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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Windows Vista Searching Techniques

Start Menu Search Box

Vista search box in Start Menu can list files in your documents,links,favorites,programs,pictures,music,

videos,indexed entries, My Computer files

Type C:\ or any other drive letter and it will list all the files in the specified drive.

It can even run all the commands that were usually called by the RUN windows

Explorer Search Bar

Open any non-empty folder type any letter and it will display all the files containg that letter, type two letter and the file starting with that letter will show up,type whole filename will list the file.

If you want to gather up files with same extension just type the extension of the file

You can also search with text files. You can also type any tags and file related with it will appear.

Some examples


For searching for files modified within a specific period. syntax




For searching for files with some specific size. synatx




You can aslo use boolean filters for example

install OR setup

will list all files with names install or setup.

or use quotes

“installmessenager” to list the exact file

Change File Attributes

Changing the attribute of file can be troublesome in windows. Attribute Changer has been made to do this easily. It integrates with the Shell Context Menu. Giving you the options to set the file attribute Read-only, Hidden, System, Index, Archive, Compress. It can also change the file Created, Modified, Access Date

Change File Attributes
