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Monday, March 31, 2008

Mouseless Browsing Using Firefox

If you are good with you Keyboard, then Sometimes you must have felt to make shortcuts for everything and just not to use mouse at all. We know hoe it feels to take hands off the keyboard.
Well at least there is a way to browse the Internet without using the mouse at all. This is made possible by using Firefox and its tools.

Here’s What you need to do.

  1. Open Firefox and go to Tools –> Options –> Advanced –> General.
  2. Now in the general tab, second line would say “Search for text when i start typing”.
  3. Mouseless Browsing

  4. Click that box, and click on ok.
  5. Now see the difference, you now just need to type the link you wanna go onto, you start typing that and it will be highlighted on your screen, you need to press enter to go to that link.
This is surely going to bring a broad smile on your face.

Customized Icons for Drives

Bored of your plain and uninterestingly looking icons of your drive? How can you make a private by just looking at it. Well, one of the ways is to give the drives your name. Another way is to give it a customized icon, or even your photo. Now, how is that possible? Here is easy tweak that will take you through the process of placing these icons for your drive. This same tweak will work for Flash drives, and Disks. Here are the steps you need to follow.

  1. Choose any image and convert it into an “ICO” file.
  2. Download this new “ICO” file and place it in the drive you want to assign this image to.
  3. Now, open notepad, and type the following commands


  4. Save this file as autorun.inf, and make this file and image as hidden.
  5. You can hide this file by going into properties, and then selecting the Hidden box.
  6. Reboot your computer and you will see the new icons into effect.
Thats it, Wasn’t it simple?It was. Do try this, and i am sure you will find a new PC

Does Your Drive Not Open on Double Click

One of our readers Sandeep mailed me and asked a question. “Whenever I double click on my D drive, it does not open. It shows me a find window and i am not able to access it. I am not able to access any type of data, What can be done.
On Further probing, I came to know that whenever he double clicks, Find window opens up, and this was no result of a Virus attack, it was just playing with the Folder Options, which resulted in this situation.
He was able to see the “Find” option as the main option in bold, and also able to open drives through right click options. When I checked it, I saw that the Registry gets edited when we do the changes as Manish did.
Here is the solution to Manish’s Problem

  1. Go to Start –> Run, Type Regedit
  2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Drive\shell
  3. In the Right pane, Change the Only value there “Default” to “None
This Solved the issue. If you are facing this problem too, you can try this and thus get your problem solved.

Changing Extension of Multiple Files

Suppose in case you have 100 video files, that too in a different formats and you want to change it to one common format, what’s the best thing you will do?
You will go in to folder options and untick “Hide extensions for known file types” and then change the extensions one by one?
Well if this is what you are going to do then i have a much simpler way of doing it.

Here’s what you need to do.

  1. Go to start –> Run –> Cmd (for Xp) or Command (for 98).
  2. Now on the command prompt, go onto the folder where all these videos are, or where your data is(like “d:\videos>”).
  3. Type in “ren *.* *.mpeg” without quotes. Its just an example on how to rename files. You can select any valid extension and all the files will be renamed in a very little time.

Try this and you are going to love it.

Speed Up Starting Of CD/DVD Burning Software

Whenever you Burn your data onto a CD/DVD, you might have noticed that it takes time to open the software. Either you use Nero or Roxio or any other software, it takes time to open. You can speed this process by making some changes in the services. Some of the services used by this software are not required and can be stopped. This will make the process much faster. Lets see how.

  1. Go to Start –> Control Panel –> Administrative Tools –> Services.
  2. Select IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service and Disable the Startup Type.
  3. Click OK and Exit.
You will now see the difference. This makes the service much faster then your previous experience. However, if you are using the Windows XP CD/DVD burning service, then you might not see this service, and if you do then disabling this won’t have any effect.

Disabling Right Click on Desktop

After reading a small book on Registry, I have learned a lot. As you can see that some of my last posts have concentrated only on registry tweaks. Registry is a very powerful tool, and how it can be used in hacking and can be connected with Trojans and viruses is the major area of interest. Today, i completed this book, and i am not going to touch it again. I now need to study a bit of my MBA as well but lastly i was able to get one more tweak, which i was looking for, Disabling the right click on Desktop. Here is how you can perform it.

  1. Go to Start –> Run, type Regedit.
  2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer.
  3. In the Right Panel, create a new DWORD value named “NoViewContextMenu” (Case-Sensitive), and give the value as “1“.
  4. Give a reboot to your system, and it should be done.
  5. To disable it, you need to change the value to “0“, or either you can delete the registry entry as well.
Hope you liked it.


This tip is very interesting for home and some small office users, who wants to restrict user's ability to shutdown their computer. You can hide the Shutdown button from the Start menu using registry editor and also restrict access to shutdown .

Follow the given steps to hide system shutdown button from start menu:


To use this feature, you will need to be logged into your computer with

administrative rights.


Click Start button and type regedit in Run option then press Enter for next.

Here locate the location to:

\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion \Policies\Explorer


Here in right side panel, right click to create a new DWORD value with name NoClose.

Now assign number 1 to its value data box.

Now close the registry editor and restart your computer after any changes to go into effect.

But next time, if you want to unhide the shutdown button then simply change the value data box to 0 or delete this DWORD item.

Again close the registry editor and restart your computer after any changes to go into effect.

Use Word 2007 to Publish Posts On Your Blog

Yes this is true, Microsoft Word 2007 can be used to publish posts on your blogs. There is no plug-in or add-ons you need to install. Its one of the feature of Word only that allows you to connect to the internet and publish your posts. You can create and configure an account in word and start blogging. You can use it to publish your posts for Windows Live, Blogger, Typepad, Wordpress and others. After that you need to provide the details for your images, and its done.

Just follow these steps to create a blog post and configure your

  1. Click the Office button, and click new, choose the option “Blog Post”.
  2. If you are opening it for the first time then it will automatically ask you for the configuration of an account, If not click on manage account, and click new.
  3. Choose your Blog provider and provide the login details.
  4. Then choose the image where you want to upload. You can choose to upload the images on your own server if your blog is a self hosted, choose “My Blog Provider” in case your blog provider gives you space to upload pics like blogger.
  5. When you are done with writing, you can publish the post directly or else you can also make the post to publish as draft.

You can also create multiple accounts and if you are using blogger, then you can select the blog you want to post into.
This is one the great way by Microsoft to step into the blogosphere. Recently Microsoft also launched a blog writer for windows blog, but this new thing makes sure that blogosphere is reaching new heights, and even any big fish wants to come into this part of Internet.

Go and try this new tool, and leave your comments. If you find anything new.

Disabling Recent Files in Office 2007

By default, Word 2007 displays the last 17 documents that have been opened. Some users, like me, likes to increase this limit, but some use to reduce this limit to 0 and making the recent documents disabled. The number of recent can be increased or decreased, from 0 to 50. Disabling the number of recent documents in Word 2007 wont reduce the number of recent documents in Excel or PowerPoint. You need to go in every application to change this setting.

Follow these steps to perform the same.

  1. Click On Office Button.
  2. Go to Word Options.
  3. Go to the Advanced tab, and look for Display section.
  4. Look for “Show this number of Recent Documents” and fill your desired value from 0 to 50.
Click OK, and you are done with it.

Get Relief from your Messy Desktop

One of the big problems I face is the Desktop. My desktop was so terribly messy that last week I lost some of my files and I am still searching for it :(. Can you imagine, that even the best wallpaper could not save my desktop from looking ugly, no matter how beautiful it is, because its just not visible. Then I decided to use a freeware, but I was unable to find any, that met my requirements. I then put up all my data into different folders, but again, creating a mess. Accessing it regularly, and opening folders, browsing through them, its tiring.
To this, I found a solution which was much easier. I created a folder, and put all the data in the respective subfolders. This folder was then kept in one of my drives, and it was accessed from the taskbar. How? let me tell you that.

  • Right click on “TaskBar“, go to “Toolbars“, and click “New Toolbar…“
  • There you will see a window to select the folder. Just browse to the folder, and select it.
  • You will see a Toolbar to access the contents of this folder.
I must tell you, this has really changed the way I used to work, apart from this, my system booting speed has improved.
Another way my friend advised me was to create shortcuts and access them through Run command. This is how you can perform this.

  1. Create a shortcut on the desktop for the folder to be accessed
  2. Rename it to a simple and short name, according to your requirements.
  3. Cut and paste that shortcut in “c:/windows”, where c: drive is the Drive in which OS is installed.
  4. Now go to run, type in the name of the folder you gave, and it should be in front of you.
I personally prefer the first method, as you have files in front of you, and any one selected file can be opened as well. But do try these, if you face the same problem as I do, and I hope I don’t loose files like this in future :).

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Windows XP : Cleaning up unwanted startup programs

Many freeware and commercial software programs have a habit of setting themselves up to run automatically upon Windows startup. This can contribute to the gradual decline in startup speed that most Windows XP systems (and windows PCs in general) experience. Also, having programs that you only use selectively, or not at all, load automatically is a waste of system resources that could be better used for other things.

To top it off, many internet nasties such as spyware programs, viruses and Trojan horses will install themselves into one of the automatic start locations on your system in order to make sure that they are run on startup. So the point is, take a look at what is currently running every time you load your PC, and disable what you don't need or can't identify.

To do this: The first place you should go is 'start\programs\startup' which is a directory Windows XP uses to launch application shortcuts on boot-up.

If you remove the shortcuts from this directory, the applications will not load on startup. This directory can also be a repository for various badness such as spyware and virus software, so if there are files here which are not shortcuts and you don't recognize them, you may wish to consider removing them anyways, as Windows will not place critical files in this directory.

The next location for removing unnecessary startup files is the handy MSCONFIG utility that has been resurrected from the graveyard of Windows 9x especially for XP.

Go to 'start\run' and type 'msconfig' to access the utility.

The 'startup' tab in MSCONFIG provides access to several other applications that are started at boot up and are running in the background. By examining their Filenames and directories, you should be able to get a feeling for what is necessary and what is not. Be aware than several viruses and worms have a habit of disguising themselves with authoritative sounding Windows system file names.

The other method for removing these programs is through the programs themselves, as many applications, for example MSN messenger, contain the option to remove the software from startup.

Install XP from DOS

If XP will not install from the CD or if you have a new drive with no operating system on it yet try these:

Install Windows XP from the hard drive with Windows 98 already installed:

Boot Windows 98
Insert the XP CD into your CD reader
Explore Windows XP through My Computer
Copy i386 folder to C:\
Go into C:\i386 folder and double click on winnt32.exe to launch the setup from the hard drive

Install Windows XP from DOS (ie. no OS on a new hard drive):

Boot with a Windows 98 Start Up disk
Insert the Windows 98 CD into the CD reader
Run smartdrv.exe from the Win98 directory on the windows 98 CD (file caching)
Type cd.. to back up to the root directory
Insert Windows XP CD into the CD reader
Copy the i386 folder to C:\
Go into C:\i386 folder on C: and type winnt.exe to launch the setup from the hard drive.

Hide Drives and Partitions

Do you have data on a partition or hard drive that you don't want tampered with or easily accessible to other users? Well, you can hide any drive/partition in Windows XP, NT, and 2000. That means that they won't show up in Explorer or My Computer.

If you want access to that drive from your user account you should create a desktop shortcut before proceeding. Once hidden, you can still access by typing the drive letter and a colon in Start/Run for example, "D:" will bring up a folder of the contents on your D drive.

The easiest way with Win XP is to use the TweakUI power toy from Microsoft. Go to Start/Run and type in "tweakui" (without the quotes).

Go to My Computer/Drives and uncheck the drive/partition(s) you want hidden. Click "Apply" or "OK" when finished.

If you have XP but not Tweak UI you can download it here


For Win NT, 2000, and XP you can use the following Registry edit:
*Be sure to back up the Registry before proceeding

Open the Registry Editor by going to Start/Run and typing in "regedit" (without the quotes). Find your way to...

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Policies

Click on "Explorer".

Double-click the "NoDrives" key in the right column. If you don't find a "NoDrives" registry key, just right-click in the right pane and choose "New/DWORD Value" then name the key "NoDrives".

You'll see a value like "0000 00 00 00 00". This is where the fun starts. The four sets of double zeros (after the "0000") are where you'll enter the values for the drive/partitions. Now, stay with me on thisâۉ€it's not as complicated as it sounds:

The first column is for drives A-H, the second for I-P, the third for Q-X, and the fourth for Y-Z.

The values for each drive are as follows:

1 - A I Q Y
2 - B J R Z
4 - C K S
8 - D L T
16 - E M U
32 - F N V
64 - G O W
80 - H P X

So, let's say you want to hide drive D. In the first column you would put "08". For drive K you would put "04" in the second column.

But what if you want to hide more than one drive in a column? Simply add the values together: D+E = 8+16 = 24. So in the first column you would put "24".

Still baffled? If you have XP then go get TweakUI and save yourself the math.

Whichever method you use, you can rest easy knowing that the files on that drive or partition are less accessible to other users.

Faster XP : Increasing System Performance

If you have 512 megs or more of memory, you can increase system performance
by having the core system kept in memory.

Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\DisablePagingExecutive
Set the value to be 1
Reboot the computer

Disable Windows Error Reporting Messages

You must be well aware of Error Messages that come up whenever there is a problem with windows or any other component. Actually this service is by Microsoft that allows you to send a Error report of the problem so that they can fix it in the coming versions. However, sometimes this service can really irritate you.
Well, you don’t need to get angry any more, you can disable it with few clicks. Just follow these steps.
1 Go to My computer –> Properties –> Advanced.
2 In this tab click on Error Reporting button down below.
3 Choose Disable Error reporting from there.

That’s all. You are now free of those error messages

Saturday, March 29, 2008

20 Microsoft Word Shortcuts-11

201)Ctrl + Shift + F11
Unlocks the selected fields for updating

Updates and displays the results of the selected fields

203)Ctrl + Shiift + F7
Copies the modified text of a linked file back to its source file

204)Hover over comment
Show or hide the comment pane

205)Dbl-click the endnote reference
If in Normal View, opens a pane for viewing and editing the endnote (toggle). If in Page/Print Layout View, switches from the body text to the endnote or vice versa

206)At + F9
Shows the field codes or results for all fields (toggle)

207)Dbl-click the footnote reference
If in Normal View, opens a pane for viewing and editing the footnote (toggle). If in Page/Print Layout View, switches from the body text to the footnote or vice versa.

208)Alt V, F
If in Normal View, opens a pane for viewing and editing footnotes and endnotes (toggle). If in Page/Print Layout View, switches from the body text to the footnotes/endnotes or vice versa.

209)Alt V, H
Displays header in page layout view

210)Alt V, N
(or Alt + Ctrl + N)
Changes the editing view to normal view

211)Alt V, O
(or Alt + Ctrl + O)
Displays a document's outline

212)Alt V, P
(or Alt + Ctrl + P)
Displays the page more-or-less as it will be printed, and allows editing (In Word 2000 the menu item is called Print Layout, but fortunately the command hasn't changed.

213)Alt + F11
Shows the VB editing environment (Tools + Macro + Visual Basic Editor)

214) Alt + left arrow
Backward hyperlink (useful if you clicked on a page number hyperlink in the table of contents and then want to return to the TOC)

215)Alt + rt arrow
Forward hyperlink

216)Alt W, A
Arranges windows as non-overlapping tiles

217)Ctrl + left arrow
Moves the insertion point to the left one word

218)Shift + Ctrl + left arrow
Extends the selection to the left one word

219)Ctrl + rt arrow
Moves the insertion point to the right one word

220)Shift + Ctrl + rt arrow
Extends the selection to the right one word

221)Ctrl + Shift + W
Underlines the words but not the spaces in the selection (toggle)

20 Microsoft Word Shortcuts-10

181)Ctrl + Shift + S
Activates the Style drop-down on the Formatting toolbar

182)Ctrl + =
Makes the selection subscript (toggle)

183)Ctrl + +
Makes the selection superscript (toggle)

184)Ctrl + Shift + Q
Applies the Symbol font to the selection

185)Alt A, F
Applies a set of formatting to a table

186)Alt A, H
Toggles table headings attribute on and off

187)Alt + click
(Alt + drag to select several)
Selects the current column in a table

188)Click in left margin
Selects the current row in a table

189)Alt + double-click
Selects an entire table

190)Alt + Ctrl + U
TableUpdateAutoForm at
Updates the table formatting to match the applied Table Autoformat settings

191)Shift + F9 (Alt + F9 toggles all field codes on or off)
Shows the field codes or the results for the selection (toggle)

192)Alt T, C
Allows you to customizes the Word user interface (menus, keyboard and toolbars) and store the customizations in a template (defaults to, so be careful!)

193)Alt + F8
Runs, creates, deletes, or revises a macro

Checks the spelling and grammar in the active document

Ctr.l + Shift + E
ToolsRevisionMarksT oggle
Toggles track changes for the active document

196)Shift + F7
Finds a synonym for the selected word

Formats the selection with a continuous underline (toggle)

198)Ctrl + Shift + T
(or drag the ruler)
Decreases the hanging indent

199)Ctrl + Shift + M
(or drag the ruler)
Moves the left indent to the previous tab stop

Permanently replaces the field codes with the results

20 Microsoft Word Shortcuts-9

Makes the selection the default character format of the applied style

Makes the selection the default paragraph format of the applied style

163)Ctrl +R
Aligns the paragraph at the right indent

164)Ctrl + *
Shows/hides all nonprinting characters

165)Alt + Shift + A
Displays all of the heading levels and the body text in Outline View

166)Ctrl + <
Decreases the font size of the selection

167)Ctrl + [
Decreases the font size of the selection by one point

168)Ctrl + Shift + K
Makes the selection small capitals (toggle)

169)Ctrl + 1
Sets the line spacing to single space

170)Ctrl + 5
Sets the line spacing to one-and-one- half space

171)Ctrl + 2
Sets the line spacing to double space

172)Ctrl + F3
Deletes the selection and adds it to the "Spike" AutoText entry (which allows you to move text and graphics from nonadjacent locations)

173)Alt + PgUp
Moves to the first cell in the current column

Extends the selection to the beginning of the first line of the document

175)Ctrl +Home
Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the first line of the document

Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the current line

Extends the selection to the beginning of the current line

Moves to the first cell in the current row

Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the first visible line on the screen

180)Shift+ Alt+Ctrl+PgUp
Extends the selection to the beginning of the first visible line on the screen

Friday, March 28, 2008

20 Microsoft Word Shortcuts-8

Alt + +
Expands an Outline in Outline View by one level

Alt+Shift+down arrow
Moves the selection below the next item in the outline

Alt+Shift+up arrow
Moves the selection above the previous item in the outline

Alt+Shift+left arrow
Promotes the selected paragraphs one heading level

Alt + Shift + L
OutlineShowFirstLin e
Toggles between showing the first line of each paragraph only or showing all of the body text in the outline

Toggles the typing mode between replacing and inserting

Moves the insertion point and document display to the next screen of text

Shift+ PgDn
Extends the selection and changes the document display to the next screen of text

Moves the insertion point and document display to the previous screen of text

Shift + PgUp
Extends the selection and changes the document display to the previous screen of text

Ctrl + down arrow
Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph

Shift + Ctrl + down arrow
Extends the selection to the beginning of the next paragraph

Ctrl + up arrow
Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph

Shift + Ctrl + up arrow
Extends the selection to the beginning of the previous paragraph

Applies the previously copied formatting to selection

Shift + Tab
Moves to the previous table cell

Shift + F11
Moves to the previous field

Alt + up arrow
Moves to the previous object on the page

Ctrl + Shift + F6
Switches back to the previous document window

Repeats Go To or Find to find the next occurrence

20 Microsoft Word Shortcuts-7

MailMergeEditDataSo urce
Lets you edit a mail merge data source

Alt + Shift + N
Collects the results of the mail merge in a document

Alt Shift + M
Sends the results of the mail merge to the printer

Alt + Shift + I
Marks the text you want to include in the table of authorities

Alt + Shift + X
Marks the text you want to include in the index

Alt + Shift + O
MarkTableOfContents Entry
Inserts a TC field (but it is far better to use Heading Styles to generate your Table of Contents instead)

Alt or F10
Makes the menu bar active

Alt + Shift + F11
MicrosoftScriptEdit or
Starts or switches to Microsoft Development Environment application, allowing you to view the HTML/XML source code that would be behind the document if it were in ..htm format (or that is behind it if it already is in .htm format).

Alt + Ctrl + F1
Execute the Microsoft System Info application

Moves the selection to a specified location without using the clipboard (press Return to execute the more)

Moves to the next table cell

Moves to the next field

Alt + F7
Find next spelling error

Alt + down arrow
Moves to the next object on the page

Ctrl + F6
Switches to the next document window, equivalent to selecting a document from the Window menu.

Applies the Normal style

Ctrl + 0
Sets or removes extra spacing above the selected paragraph

Switches to another window pane in Normal View (for instance, if you have if you have a Footnotes pane open in Normal view and want to switch to the main document and back without closing the pane).

Alt + _
Collapses an Outline in Outline View by one level

Alt+Shift+rt arrow
Demotes the selected paragraphs one heading level

20 Microsoft Word Shortcuts-6

Alt I, L
Inserts the text of another file into the active document

Alt I, N
Inserts a footnote or endnote reference at the insertion point

Alt + Ctrl + F
Inserts a footnote reference at the insertion point without displaying the dialog

Ctrl + K
Insert Hyperlink

Alt I, D
InsertIndexAndTable s
Inserts an index or a table of contents, figures, or authorities into the document

Alt + Ctrl + L
Inserts a ListNum Field

Alt + Shift + F
Brings up a dialog to insert a mail merge field at the insertion point. (It does not intercept the button on the Mail merge. toolbar)

Ctrl + Return
Inserts a page break at the insertion point

Alt + Shift + P
Inserts a page number field

Ctrl + Shift + F3
Empties the spike AutoText entry and inserts all of its contents into the document

Alt + Shift + T
Inserts a time field

Ctrl + I
Makes the selection italic (toggle)

Ctrl + J
Aligns the paragraph at both the left and the right indent

Ctrl + L
Aligns the paragraph at the left indent

Down arrow
Moves the insertion point down one line

Shift + down arrow
Extends the selection down one line

Up arrow
Moves the insertion point up one line

Shift + up arrow
Extends the selection up one line

Ctrl + F11
Locks the selected fields to prevent updating

Alt + Shift + K
Checks for errors in a mail merge

Thursday, March 27, 2008

20 Microsoft Word Shortcuts-5

Alt O, S
Applies, creates, or modifies styles

Alt O, T
Brings up the Format Tabs dialog

Shift + F5
Returns to the previous insertion point (goes back to up to 3 points, then returns to where you started; this is one of the most useful shortcuts of them all. Also useful when opening a document, if you want to g straight to where you were last editing it)

Ctrl + >
Increases the font size of the selection

Ctrl + ]
Increases the font size of the selection by one point

Ctrl + T (or drag the ruler)
Increases the hanging indent

Microsoft Word Help

Shift + F1
Lets you get help on a command or screen region or examine text properties

Ctrl + Shift + H
Makes the selection hidden text (toggle)

Click on it
Connect to a hyperlink's address

Ctrl + M (or drag the ruler)
Moves the left indent to the next tab stop

Alt + Ctrl + M (or Alt I, M)
Inserts a comment

Replaces the name of the AutoText entry with its contents

Alt I, B
Ends a page, column, or section at the insertion point

Alt I, C
Inserts a caption above or below a selected object

Ctrl + Shift + Return
Inserts a column break at the insertion point

Alt + Shift + D
Inserts a date field

Alt + Ctrl + D
Inserts an endnote reference at the insertion point without displaying the dialog

Alt I, F
Inserts a field in the active document

Inserts an empty field with the enclosing field characters

20 Microsoft Word Shortcuts-4

Alt + F4 (Word 97)
Quits Microsoft Word and prompts to save the documents (does intercept the menu item, but not the keyboard shortcut, or the x button. An AutoExit macro is usually a better way of intercepting this).

NOT Ctrl+N!!
Creates a new document or template (brings up the dialog). Note that: Word pretends that Ctrl+N is assigned to FileNew but it isn't, it's assigned to FileNewDefault You can fix this in Word 2000 by assigning Ctrl+N to the FileNewDialog command. In Word 97 the only way to fix it is to create a macro called FileNew (to do this, press Alt + F8, type "FileNew" without the quotes and Click "Create". The macro will automatically contain the code needed to make it work).

Creates a new document based on the Normal template.

Opens an existing document or template

Alt F, U
Changes the page setup of the selected sections

Ctrl + P
Prints the active document (brings up the dialog)

Displays full pages as they will be printed

Alt F, I
Shows the properties of the active document


Alt F, A (or F12)
Saves a copy of the document in a separate file (brings up the dialog)

Activates the Fonts listbox on the formatting toolbar

Activates the Font Size drop-down on the formatting toolbar

Alt + Ctrl + K
Automatically formats a document (or sometimes, automatically screws it up)

Alt O, B
FormatBordersAndSha ding
Changes the borders and shading of the selected paragraphs, table cells, and pictures

Alt O, E
Changes the case of the letters in the selection

Alt O, C
Changes the column format of the selected sections (brings up the dialog)

Alt O, D
Formats the first character of current paragraph as a dropped capital (must select it first)

Brings up the Format + Font dialog

Alt + Shift + R
FormatHeaderFooterL ink
Links the current header/footer to the previous section (but does not intercept the button on the Header Footer toolbar)

Alt O, P
Brings up the Format Paragraph dialog

20 Microsoft Word Shortcuts-3

Finds the specified text or the specified formatting

F5, Ctrl+G
Jumps to a specified place in the active document

Alt E, K
Allows links to be viewed, updated, opened, or removed

Inserts the Clipboard contents at the insertion point

Alt E, S
Inserts the Clipboard contents as a linked object, embedded object, or other format

Alt + Shift + Backspc
Redoes the last action that was undone

Repeats the last command, or redoes the last action that was undone (unfortunately, doesn't work for as many commands in Word 2000 as in Word 97 and below, but this is still one of Word's most useful shortcuts, if not the most useful)

Finds the specified text or the specified formatting and replaces it

Selects the entire document

Reverses the last action

Alt + PageDn (to select to end of column, use Alt + Shift + PgDn)
Moves to the last cell in the current table column

Extends the selection to the end of the last line of the document

Moves the insertion point to the end of the last line of the document

Moves the insertion point to the end of the current line

Extends the selection to the end of the current line

Moves to the last cell in the current row

Alt + Ctrl + PgDn
Moves the insertion point to the end of the last visible line on the screen

Shift + Alt + Ctrl + PgDn
Extends the selection to the end of the last visible line on the screen

F8 (press Esc to turn off)
Turns on extend selection mode and then expands the selection with the direction keys

Alt + F4 (<9>)
Closes the current document, or if no documents are open, quits Word. Horrible command, as it makes it a long winded business to quit Word. But there's a simple solution - assign Alt+F4 to FileExit instead.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Imp must read... Shocking NEWS about CTRL+C

Please be very careful when u press ctrl + c ..

Here is some useful information for all.
Ctrl+C may be the most important work we do everyday. But it's not a very
safe thing to do. Read on to know why. What happens when you press Ctrl+C
while you are On-line... We do copy various data by Ctrl + C for pasting
This copied data is stored in clipboard and is accessible from the net by
a combination of JavaScript's and ASP.

Just try this:
1) Copy any text by Ctrl + C
2) Click the Link: < >
3) You will see the text you copied was accessed by this web page.

Do not keep sensitive data (like passwords, credit card numbers, PIN etc.)
in the clipboard while surfing the web. It is extremely easy to extract
the text stored in the clipboard to steal your sensitive information.
Forward this information to as many friends as you can, to save them from
on-line frauds !

20 Microsoft Word Shortcuts-2

Ctrl +Shift+C
kCopies the formatting of the selection

Shift + F2
Makes a copy of the selection without using the clipboard (press Return to paste)

Alt + F3
Adds an AutoText entry to the active template

Ctrl+ Backspace
Deletes the previous word without putting it on the Clipboard

Ctrl + Del
Deletes the next word without putting it on the Clipboard

Ctrl+W, Ctrl+F4
Prompts to save the document and then closes the active window. (But doesn't intercept the menu command)

Ctrl + F10
Enlarges the active window to full size

Ctrl + F7
Changes the position of the active window

Ctrl + F5
Restores the window to normal size

Ctrl + F8
Changes the size of the active window

Alt + Ctrl + S
Splits the active window horizontally and then adjusts the split

Alt + Shift + F9
Executes the action associated with macrobutton fields

Ctrl + Shift + D
Double underlines the selection (toggle)

Alt R, G
Groups the selected drawing objects

Alt R, I
Sets up a grid for aligning drawing objects

Alt R, U
Ungroups the selected group of drawing objects

Ctrl+Shift+F5 (Or: Alt I, K)
Brings up the bookmark dialog

Performs a forward delete or removes the selection without putting it on the Clipboard

Copies the selection and puts it on the Clipboard

Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard

20 Microsoft Word Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + A
Makes the selection all capitals (toggle)

Alt + Ctrl + 1
Applies Heading 1 style to the selected text

Alt + Ctrl + 2
Applies Heading 2 style to the selected text

Alt + Ctrl + 3
Applies Heading 3 style to the selected text

Ctrl + Shift + L
Applies List Bullet style to the selected text

Alt + F10
Enlarges the application window to full size

Alt + F5
Restores the application window to normal size

Makes the selection bold (toggle)

Ctrl + PgDn
Jump to the next browse object

Ctrl + PgUp
Jump to the previous browse object

Alt + Ctrl + Home
Select the next/prev browse object

Terminates an action

Centers the paragraph between the indents

Changes the case of the letters in the selection

Left arrow
Moves the insertion point to the left one character

Shift + Left arrow
Extends the selection to the left one character

Rt arrow
Moves the insertion point to the right one character

Shift + Rt arrow
Extends the selection to the right one character

Alt + Shift + C
Closes the active window pane (if you are in Normal View and have, for example, the Footnote pane open)

Alt+Drag (or press Ctrl + Shift + F8 and drag, but Alt + Drag is far easier!)
Selects a columnar block of text

20 things you don’t know about windows Xp

You've read the reviews and digested the key feature enhancements and operational changes. Now it's time to delve a bit deeper and uncover some of Windows XP's secrets.

1. It boasts how long it can stay up. Whereas previous versions of Windows were coy about how long they went between boots, XP is positively proud of its stamina. Go to the Command Prompt in the Accessories menu from the All Programs start button option, and then type 'systeminfo'. The computer will produce a lot of useful info, including the uptime. If you want to keep these, type 'systeminfo > info.txt'. This creates a file called info.txt you can look at later with Notepad. (Professional Edition only).

2. You can delete files immediately, without having them move to the Recycle Bin first. Go to the Start menu, select Run... and type 'gpedit.msc'; then select User Configuration, Administrative Templates, Windows Components, Windows Explorer and find the Do not move deleted files to the Recycle Bin setting. Set it. Poking around in gpedit will reveal a great many interface and system options, but take care -- some may stop your computer behaving as you wish. (Professional Edition only).

3. You can lock your XP workstation with two clicks of the mouse. Create a new shortcut on your desktop using a right mouse click, and enter 'rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation' in the location field. Give the shortcut a name you like. That's it -- just double click on it and your computer will be locked. And if that's not easy enough, Windows key + L will do the same.

4. XP hides some system software you might want to remove, such as Windows Messenger, but you can tickle it and make it disgorge everything. Using Notepad or Edit, edit the text file /windows/inf/sysoc.inf, search for the word 'hide' and remove it. You can then go to the Add or Remove Programs in the Control Panel, select Add/Remove Windows Components and there will be your prey, exposed and vulnerable.

5. For those skilled in the art of DOS batch files, XP has a number of interesting new commands. These include 'eventcreate' and 'eventtriggers' for creating and watching system events, 'typeperf' for monitoring performance of various subsystems, and 'schtasks' for handling scheduled tasks. As usual, typing the command name followed by /? will give a list of options -- they're all far too baroque to go into here.

6. XP has IP version 6 support -- the next generation of IP. Unfortunately this is more than your ISP has, so you can only experiment with this on your LAN. Type 'ipv6 install' into Run... (it's OK, it won't ruin your existing network setup) and then 'ipv6 /?' at the command line to find out more. If you don't know what IPv6 is, don't worry and don't bother.

7. You can at last get rid of tasks on the computer from the command line by using 'taskkill /pid' and the task number, or just 'tskill' and the process number. Find that out by typing 'tasklist', which will also tell you a lot about what's going on in your system.

8. XP will treat Zip files like folders, which is nice if you've got a fast machine. On slower machines, you can make XP leave zip files well alone by typing 'regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll' at the command line. If you change your mind later, you can put things back as they were by typing 'regsvr32 zipfldr.dll'.

9. XP has ClearType -- Microsoft's anti-aliasing font display technology -- but doesn't have it enabled by default. It's well worth trying, especially if you were there for DOS and all those years of staring at a screen have given you the eyes of an astigmatic bat. To enable ClearType, right click on the desktop, select Properties, Appearance, Effects, select ClearType from the second drop-down menu and enable the selection. Expect best results on laptop displays. If you want to use ClearType on the Welcome login screen as well, set the registry entry HKEY_USERS/.DEFAULT/Control Panel/Desktop/FontSmoothingType to 2.

10. You can use Remote Assistance to help a friend who's using network address translation (NAT) on a home network, but not automatically. Get your pal to email you a Remote Assistance invitation and edit the file. Under the RCTICKET attribute will be a NAT IP address, like Replace this with your chum's real IP address -- they can find this out by going to -- and get them to make sure that they've got port 3389 open on their firewall and forwarded to the errant computer.

11. You can run a program as a different user without logging out and back in again. Right click the icon, select Run As... and enter the user name and password you want to use. This only applies for that run. The trick is particularly useful if you need to have administrative permissions to install a program, which many require. Note that you can have some fun by running programs multiple times on the same system as different users, but this can have unforeseen effects.

12. Windows XP can be very insistent about you checking for auto updates, registering a Passport, using Windows Messenger and so on. After a while, the nagging goes away, but if you feel you might slip the bonds of sanity before that point, run Regedit, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Explorer/Advanced and create a DWORD value called EnableBalloonTips with a value of 0.

13. You can start up without needing to enter a user name or password. Select Run... from the start menu and type 'control userpasswords2', which will open the user accounts application. On the Users tab, clear the box for Users Must Enter A User Name And Password To Use This Computer, and click on OK. An Automatically Log On dialog box will appear; enter the user name and password for the account you want to use.

14. Internet Explorer 6 will automatically delete temporary files, but only if you tell it to. Start the browser, select Tools / Internet Options... and Advanced, go down to the Security area and check the box to Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed.

15. XP comes with a free Network Activity Light, just in case you can't see the LEDs twinkle on your network card. Right click on My Network Places on the desktop, then select Properties. Right click on the description for your LAN or dial-up connection, select Properties, then check the Show icon in notification area when connected box. You'll now see a tiny network icon on the right of your task bar that glimmers nicely during network traffic.

16. The Start Menu can be leisurely when it decides to appear, but you can speed things along by changing the registry entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop/MenuShowDelay from the default 400 to something a little snappier. Like 0.

17. You can rename loads of files at once in Windows Explorer. Highlight a set of files in a window, then right click on one and rename it. All the other files will be renamed to that name, with individual numbers in brackets to distinguish them. Also, in a folder you can arrange icons in alphabetised groups by View, Arrange Icon By... Show In Groups.

18. Windows Media Player will display the cover art for albums as it plays the tracks -- if it found the picture on the Internet when you copied the tracks from the CD. If it didn't, or if you have lots of pre-WMP music files, you can put your own copy of the cover art in the same directory as the tracks. Just call it folder.jpg and Windows Media Player will pick it up and display it.

19. Windows key + Break brings up the System Properties dialogue box; Windows key + D brings up the desktop; Windows key + Tab moves through the taskbar buttons.

20. The next release of Windows XP, codenamed Longhorn, is due and won't be much to write home about. The next big release is codenamed Blackcomb.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Secret - Phantom Devices

Instructions - Go to "Start", "Programs", "Accessories" and select "Command Prompt". At the command prompt, type "set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1" and press Enter. At the command prompt, type "start devmgmt.msc" and press Enter. Select "View" and Show hidden devices. You can see devices that are not connected to the computer. - Source

Notes - When you close the command prompt window, Windows clears the "devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1" variable that you set and prevents phantom devices from being displayed when you select "Show hidden devices".

Secret - Hidden Uninstall Options

Instructions - Warning: Proceed at your own risk! Browse to C:\Windows\inf\ and make a backup copy of sysoc.inf. Then open the original file C:\Windows\inf\sysoc.inf in notepad. Go to "Edit" and select "Replace". In "Find what:" type ,hide and in "Replace with:" type , then select "Replace All", save and close the file. Go to the "Control Panel", "Add/Remove", select "Add/Remove Windows Components". You will now see many more Windows components to uninstall. Do not remove anything with no label or that you do not recognize or fully understand what it does. Doing so can break certain functionality in Windows.

keyboard shortcut key's

Some of the keyboard shortcut keys, which are familiar to me:

Windows Hotkeys

* Shift + F10 right-clicks.
* Win + L (XP Only): Locks keyboard. Similar to Lock Workstation.
* Win + F or F3: Open Find dialog. (All Files) F3 may not work

in some applications which use F3 for their own find dialogs.
* Win + Control + F: Open Find dialog. (Computers)
* Win + U: Open Utility Manager.
* Win + F1: Open Windows help.
* Win + Pause: Open System Properties dialog.
* Win + Tab: Cycle through taskbar buttons. Enter clicks, AppsKey or Shift + F10 right-clicks.
* Win + Shift + Tab: Cycle through taskbar buttons in reverse.
* Alt + Tab: Display CoolSwitch. More commonly known as the AltTab dialog.
* Alt + Shift + Tab: Display CoolSwitch; go in reverse.
* Alt + Escape: Send active window to the bottom of the z-order.
* Alt + Shift + Escape: Activate the window at the bottom of the z-order.
* Alt + F4: Close active window; or, if all windows are closed, open shutdown dialog

* F1 / right arrow: Repeats the letters of the last command line, one by one.
* F2: Displays a dialog asking user to "enter the char to copy up to" of the last command line
* F3: Repeats the last command line
* F4: Displays a dialog asking user to "enter the char to delete up to" of the last command line
* F5: Goes back one command line
* F6: Enters the traditional CTRL+Z (^z)
* F7: Displays a menu with the command line history
* F8: Cycles back through previous command lines (beginning with most recent)
* F9: Displays a dialog asking user to enter a command number, where 0 is for first command line entered.
* Alt+Enter: toggle fullScreen mode.
* up/down: scroll thru/repeat previous entries
* Esc: delete line
* Note: The buffer allows a maximum of 50 command lines. After this number is reached, the first line will be replaced in sequence.

Monday, March 24, 2008


SQL Client Configuration - cliconfg

System Configuration Editor - sysedit

System Configuration Utility - msconfig

System File Checker Utility (Scan Immediately)- sfc /scannow

System File Checker Utility (Scan Once At Next Boot)- sfc /scanonce

System File Checker Utility (Scan On Every Boot) - sfc /scanboot

System File Checker Utility (Return to Default Setting)- sfc /revert

System File Checker Utility (Purge File Cache)- sfc /purgecache

System File Checker Utility (Set Cache Size to size x)- sfc/cachesize=x

System Information - msinfo32.

Task Manager – taskmgr

System Properties - sysdm.cpl

Task Manager – taskmgr

TCP Tester - tcptest

Telnet Client - telnet

Tweak UI (if installed) - tweakui

User Account Management- nusrmgr.cpl

Utility Manager - utilman

Windows Address Book - wab

Windows Address Book Import Utility - wabmig

Windows Backup Utility (if installed)- ntbackup

Windows Explorer - explorer

Windows Firewall- firewall.cpl

Windows Magnifier- magnify

Windows Management Infrastructure - wmimgmt.msc

Windows Media Player - wmplayer

Windows Messenger - msmsgs

Windows Picture Import Wizard (need camera connected)- wiaacmgr

Windows System Security Tool – syskey

Windows Update Launches - wupdmgr

Windows Version (to show which version of windows)- winver

Windows XP Tour Wizard - tourstart

Wordpad - write

Password Properties - password.cpl

Performance Monitor - perfmon.msc

Phone and Modem Options - telephon.cpl

Phone Dialer - dialer
Pinball Game - pinball

Power Configuration - powercfg.cpl

Printers and Faxes - control printers

Printers Folder – printers

Private Character Editor - eudcedit

Quicktime (If Installed)- QuickTime.cpl

Real Player (if installed)- realplay

Regional Settings - intl.cpl

Registry Editor - regedit

Registry Editor - regedit32

Remote Access Phonebook - rasphone

Remote Desktop - mstsc

Removable Storage - ntmsmgr.

Removable Storage Operator Requests - ntmsoprq.msc

Resultant Set of Policy (XP Prof) - rsop.msc

Scanners and Cameras - sticpl.cpl

Scheduled Tasks - control schedtasks

Security Center - wscui.cpl

Services - services.msc

Shared Folders - fsmgmt.msc

Shuts Down Windows - shutdown

Sounds and Audio - mmsys.cpl

Spider Solitare Card Game - spider

Malicious Software Removal Tool - mrt

Microsoft Access (if installed) - access.cpl

Microsoft Chat - winchat

Microsoft Excel (if installed) - excel

Microsoft Frontpage (if installed)- frontpg

Microsoft Movie Maker - moviemk

Microsoft Paint - mspaint

Microsoft Powerpoint (if installed)- powerpnt

Microsoft Word (if installed)- winword

Microsoft Syncronization Tool - mobsync

Minesweeper Game - winmine

Mouse Properties - control mouse

Mouse Properties - main.cpl

Nero (if installed)- nero

Netmeeting - conf

Network Connections - control netconnections

Network Connections - ncpa.cpl

Network Setup Wizard - netsetup.cpl

Notepad - notepad

Nview Desktop Manager (If Installed)- nvtuicpl.cpl

Object Packager - packager

ODBC Data Source Administrator- odbccp32.cpl

On Screen Keyboard - osk

Opens AC3 Filter (If Installed) - ac3filter.cpl

Outlook Express - msimn

Paint – pbrush

Keyboard Properties - control keyboard

IP Configuration (Display Connection Configuration) - ipconfi/all

IP Configuration (Display DNS Cache Contents)- ipconfig /displaydns

IP Configuration (Delete DNS Cache Contents)- ipconfig /flushdns

IP Configuration (Release All Connections)- ipconfig /release

IP Configuration (Renew All Connections)- ipconfig /renew

IP Configuration(RefreshesDHCP&Re-RegistersDNS)-ipconfig/registerdns

IP Configuration (Display DHCP Class ID)- ipconfig/showclassid

IP Configuration (Modifies DHCP Class ID)- ipconfig /setclassid

Java Control Panel (If Installed)- jpicpl32.cpl

Java Control Panel (If Installed)- javaws
Local Security Settings - secpol.msc

Local Users and Groups - lusrmgr.msc

Logs You Out Of Windows - logoff.....

Accessibility Controls - access.cpl

Accessibility Wizard - accwiz

Add Hardware - Wizardhdwwiz.cpl

Add/Remove Programs - appwiz.cpl

Administrative Tools control - admintools

Adobe Acrobat (if installed) - acrobat

Adobe Designer (if installed)- acrodist

Adobe Distiller (if installed)- acrodist

Adobe ImageReady (if installed)- imageready

Adobe Photoshop (if installed)- photoshop

Automatic Updates - wuaucpl.cpl

Bluetooth Transfer Wizard – fsquirt

Calculator - calc

Certificate Manager - certmgr.msc

Character Map - charmap

Check Disk Utility - chkdsk

Clipboard Viewer - clipbrd

Command Prompt - cmd

Component Services - dcomcnfg

Computer Management - compmgmt.msc

Control Panel - control

Date and Time Properties - timedate.cpl

DDE Shares - ddeshare

Device Manager - devmgmt.msc

Direct X Control Panel (If Installed)- directx.cpl

Direct X Troubleshooter- dxdiag

Disk Cleanup Utility- cleanmgr

Disk Defragment- dfrg.msc

Disk Management- diskmgmt.msc

Disk Partition Manager- diskpart

Display Properties- control desktop

Display Properties- desk.cpl

Display Properties (w/Appearance Tab Preselected)- control color

Dr. Watson System Troubleshooting Utility- drwtsn32

Driver Verifier Utility- verifier

Event Viewer- eventvwr.msc

Files and Settings Transfer Tool- migwiz

File Signature Verification Tool- sigverif

Findfast- findfast.cpl

Firefox (if installed)- firefox

Folders Properties- control folders

Fonts- control fonts

Fonts Folder- fonts

Free Cell Card Game- freecell

Game Controllers- joy.cpl

Group Policy Editor (XP Prof)- gpedit.msc

Hearts Card Game- mshearts

Help and Support- helpctr

HyperTerminal- hypertrm

Iexpress Wizard- iexpress

Indexing Service- ciadv.msc

Internet Connection Wizard- icwconn1

Sunday, March 23, 2008

You can make a BIG ASCII HEART with anyone's name.

You can make a BIG ASCII HEART with anyone's name.

1. CLICK `~H.E.R.E~`[]
or `~H.E.R.E~`[]

2. Type your WORD in First Small text box.

3. Click on the Button "Gerar Coração

4. Copy your Heart from Large Text Box.

5. Paste it! Where you want to use it!


1. Open command prompt (Start->Run->cmd),

2. Enter the following command, then press ENTER

3. Enter the followin command, then press ENTER:
This should open the computer management console.

4. Go to local users & groups->users. Right click on any user and select "set password".

If you get a "access denied" do the following:

then use following commands
1) net user test /add (this command will make test named user)
2) net localgroup administrators test /add (this command will make test user as administrators rights)

and use net user command to reset your admin. password


Go to Start then Run
Type 'Regedit' then click 'Ok'
Find "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\"
Select "MenuShowDelay"
Right click and select "Modify'
Reduce the number to around "100"
This is the delay time before a menu is opened. You can set it to "0" but it can make windows really hard to use as menus will open if you just look at them - well move your mouse over them anyway. I tend to go for anywhere between 50-150 depending on my mood


Open Run and then type "gpedit.msc".
Now goto User Configuration > Administrative templates > Windows Component > Windows Explorer.
Click on Windows Explorer you will find the 3rd option on the right side of screen "Removes the Folder Option menu item from the Tools menu"
Just check it, if it is not configured then change it to enable by double clicking on it and after applying again set it to not configured.

I hopes that you will find the option after restarting windows.


A great new feature in Microsoft Windows XP is the ability to do a boot defragment. This places all boot files next to each other on the disk to allow for faster booting. By default this option is enabled, but on some systems it is not, so below is the information on how to turn it on:

Go to Start Menu and Click Run
Type in regedit then click ok
Find "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dfrg\BootOpt imizeFunction"
Select "Enable" from the list on the right
Right on it and select "Modify"
Change the value to Y .
Reboot your Pc and see the change yourself.


This tweak reduces the time XP waits before automatically closing any running programs when you give it the command to shutdown.
Go to Start then select Run
Type 'Regedit' and click ok
Find 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\'
Select 'WaitToKillAppTimeout'
Right click and select 'Modify'
Change the value to '1000'
Click 'OK'
Now select 'HungAppTimeout'
Right click and select 'Modify'
Change the value to '1000'
Click 'OK'

Hiding folder in different way.........

Hey, If u want 2 hide folder safely just do dis....

1)Right click on folder> Click Rename> Prees ALT+0160 in Num Pad

2)Right click on folder> Click Properties> Click Customize> Click Change icon> & find if black space (Near Star icon)> Click Apply

U r folder is safely hidden...........


U can see it in the command prompt by dir command...

Well an another method to do the trick, but U don't need any password or anything ... Just U have 2 remember the filename n Path exactly, because if U will forget the filename then there is a very less chance to recover it...

Lets say, U have created a folder "Crack ME!" in the directory "C:\Windows\System32\" ( I choosed this one as my destination, as in System32 there r a lot of files... n it will be difficult or can say really impossible to trackdown ur file down )

So, now, "Crack ME!" is my File/folder name in

"C:\Windows\System32\" is my path......

these 2 r very imp, I repeat it.....

Don't forget... !!!

1. Well RUN > cmd

2. cd C:\Windows\System32\ ( This is the Path, U have 2 go first !!! )... Prass Enter

3. Now be careful....... Type exacly the same...

attrib +h +r +s +a Crack Me! ( i.e, the folder name !!!)

4. Now check it out..... Ur file is hidden, n even in the folder option the don't hide option can't detect it........

5. When U want to view the files in it or add some files,...... type

attrib -h -r -s -a Crack Me!

I hope U will try this .......

Block websites without using any software!!

  • Open the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc.
  • Look for the file HOSTS.
  • Open the file HOSTS in your favorite Text Editor ( mine is Textpad)
  • Under the line " localhost" add another line as " ".
  • Similarly to block add another line as " ".
  • Both the sites are now blocked. In case if you want to add more in your blocked websites list, just edit the list and add more.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

How to find the IP address of the sender in Gmail, Yahoo! mail or Hotmail

When you receive an email, you receive more than just the message. The email comes with headers that carry important information that can tell where the email was sent from and possibly who sent it. For that, you would need to find the IP address of the sender. The tutorial below can help you find the IP address of the sender. Note that this will not work if the sender uses anonymous proxy servers.

Finding IP address in Gmail:

1. Log into your Gmail account with your user name and password.
2. Open the mail.
3. To display the headers,
* Click on More options corresponding to that thread. You should get a bunch of links.
* Click on Show original
4. You should get headers like this:
Gmail headers : name
Look for Received: from followed by a few hostnames and an IP address between square brackets. In this case, it is
That is be the IP address of the sender!
5. Track the IP address of the sender

Finding IP address in Yahoo! Mail:

1. Log into your Yahoo! mail with your username and password.
2. Click on Inbox or whichever folder you have stored your mail.
3. Open the mail.
4. If you do not see the headers above the mail message, your headers are not displayed. To display the headers,
* Click on Options on the top-right corner
* In the Mail Options page, click on General Preferences
* Scroll down to Messages where you have the Headers option
* Make sure that Show all headers on incoming messages is selected
* Click on the Save button
* Go back to the mails and open that mail
5. You should see similar headers like this:
Yahoo! headers : name
Look for Received: from followed by the IP address between square brackets [ ].

Here, it is
That is be the IP address of the sender!
6. Track the IP address of the sender

Finding IP address in Hotmail

1. Log into your Hotmail account with your username and password.
2. Click on the Mail tab on the top.
3. Open the mail.
4. If you do not see the headers above the mail message, your headers are not displayed. To display the headers,
* Click on Options on the top-right corner
* In the Mail Options page, click on Mail Display Settings
* In Message Headers, make sure Advanced option is checked
* Click on Ok button
* Go back to the mails and open that mail
5. If you find a header with X-Originating-IP: followed by an IP address, that is the sender's IP address
Hotmail headers : name ,In this case the IP address of the sender is []. Jump to step 9.
6. If you find a header with Received: from followed by a Gmail proxy like this
Hotmail headers : name
Look for Received: from followed by IP address within square brackets[].
In this case, the IP address of the sender is []. Jump to step 9.
7. Or else if you have headers like this
Hotmail headers : name
Look for Received: from followed by IP address within square brackets[].
In this case, the IP address of the sender is [] (Spam mail). Jump to step 9.
8. * If you have multiple Received: from headers, eliminate the ones that have
9. Track the IP address of the sender

5 Ways To Block Spam

Spam is one of those things that nobody wants, but probably has plenty of. If there happens to be anyone out there unfamiliar with spam, we are not talking about the luncheon meat, but the unsolicited, junk e-mail that clogs our inboxes. And in case you are curious, according to some sources, the junk mail version of spam earned its name from a Monty Python skit regarding the luncheon meat of the same name. Care to sing along?

From offers for prescription drugs, to mortgage refinancing, to sexually explicit content, spam can leave us having to sift through mounds of trash to find the few messages we actually care to read. Although eliminating all junk e-mail may be impossible, there are several steps than can be taken to all but eliminate spam from your inbox

1. Protect Your E-mail Address

One of the best strategies for avoiding spam is to protect your personal e-mail address. Your best defense is for the spammers to not even know you exist, but this is a difficult task to accomplish.

Many spam mailing lists are created by harvesting e-mail addresses from websites where your information may be displayed. Newsgroups, bulletin boards, and chat rooms are just a few examples of places where spammers may run scripts to collect anything that resembles an e-mail address. Many sites, such as bulletin boards, have safeguards to protect their members, but it does nothing if these members post their personal information in one of their posts, their signature, or somewhere else that puts the information in plain sight. In addition, signing up with unknown sources for online contests, mailing lists, and similar occasions where you need to provide an address as part of the registration process may also expose your address to spammers. Using your best judgment is your best defense. If you want to keep your mailbox clean, keep your address private, only giving it out to trusted parties.

2. Create a Spam E-Mail Account

Potecting your e-mail address is easier said than done, and if you find that it is impossible to keep your personal e-mail address completely private, a separate account may be the solution. Referred to by some as a “throw-away” account, this e-mail account doesn’t have to cost you anything, as suitable e-mail accounts are available for free from places such as Hotmail and Yahoo.

This throw-away account is the best choice when you are unsure that your privacy will be protected. Use it when registering with newsgroups, bulletin boards, sweepstakes, or in any other situation where you’re not quite sure your privacy will be protected. You have to use your better judgment, as signing up for something from a trustworthy source, like the Computer Geeks mailing list, is much different than many things we’ll just leave to our imaginations.

Since you are not expecting any important mail at this account, if it becomes over run with spam, you do just as the name suggests and throw it away for a new one.

3. Message Rules in Outlook / Outlook Express

Most people use either Outlook or Outlook Express as their e-mail client, but all of these people may not be familiar with creating message rules in the “Tools” drop down menu. Rules allow you to manually filter the delivery of e-mail, and can be created to analyze the sender’s name, subject line, and message body before processing. For example, a rule can be created so that any message with a particularly offensive word in the subject line is automatically moved to the Deleted Items folder, or even better, just deleted from the server before download.

Another option provided by Outlook and Outlook Express allows the user to add senders to their “Blocked Senders” list. No rule needs to be created, and in a few clicks, a sender of unsolicited e-mail can be added to your personal blocked senders list. Whenever mail arrives from this sender in the future, it will skip the inbox and go straight to the Deleted Items folder.

Windows XP with Service Pack 2 provides even greater security in a variety of areas, including Outlook and Outlook Express. Many spam e-mails have images in the body that are coded to identify receipt of the e-mail. If the individually coded image has been viewed, the spammer knows that you have seen the e-mail, thus confirming your address as valid. With SP2, images are blocked to prevent your computer from being identified, thus keeping the spammer from confirming they have a valid address to continue mailing.

4. Third Party Software

There are numerous applications available for purchase, or as free downloads, specifically intended to filter spam as it enters your inbox. These programs identify telltale signs of a spam message by analyzing hidden tags in the message, use of text and images in the message, and various other clues available that point to a message being unwanted.

A few examples of spam filtering software is available from these three companies; SPAMfighter, MailWasher, and Cloudmark. Each offers its own twist on the interface and manageability, but they all allow users to take control of the spam in their Outlook or Outlook Express mailboxes.

The price tag on this type of software may involve a one time fee of $30 or more, and some come with annual subscriptions costing up to $40. If the free software doesn’t cut it for your tastes, these pay versions generally include a free trial so that you can be sure the program is right for you before you spend any money. The logic and data behind the spam filtering is constantly evolving, so these packages need to be kept updated, much like a virus scanning application, and this is where subscription-based offerings come into play.

5. Server Based Solutions

Most major internet service providers (ISP) now offer a spam filter as part of the package offered to its subscribers. AOL and Earthlink are just two of the big names out there that include a spam filter in with other attractive features like virus protection and pop up blockers. These ISP provide filters which effectively manage spam at the server before delivery, but they are generally not overly customizable on the end user level, and they obviously only protect e-mail accounts provided by the ISP.

Protection similar to what an internet service provider offers can be implemented by just about anyone with their own domain name, and access to their server. Domain names and web hosting have become so cheap that it is not all that uncommon for people to have their own website, or at least a domain name for e-mail. SPAM Assassin is a no-cost, server based spam fighting solution that can be installed on a server, and has become a common feature included on many web hosting packages.

These solutions use various rules and logic to analyze messages, much like the third party software does, but it all happens at the server level. This keeps the message from having to be downloaded to be processed, thus saving time and precious bandwidth.

Final Words

Spam is a nuisance that impacts people on several levels. Even if the content is not inappropriate or offensive, it is a waste of time and money. Although some spam solutions claim to eliminate 100% of all unsolicited e-mail, my experience tells me that this just isn’t realistic. That said, protecting your e-mail address and implementing the appropriate spam filtering solution should nearly eliminate spam from your life.